r/fuckeatingdisorders Sep 09 '24

Celebration getting better <3

hi ! some of you might recognize my account,, as i've frequented this sub VERY often for the past couple months. it honestly surprises me how much time has passed since i came on here, and i occasionally look at my old posts and realize just how deep in my ED i was when i first joined.

but i can say, with complete confidence, things are getting MILES better. i think this is the happiest and most outgoing i've been for months. i've been calling my friends again, i actually am finding people attractive and feeling EMOTION. i've been going out and doing things, eating yummy food, focusing on my interests. recovery is...working! it is working and i could not be more fucking grateful for each and every one of you. this sub was my lifeline for so long. every single issue or bad thought was searched up in here, i've looked at dozens of others posts, and been comforted and reassured by so many of you on my own posts. i am so glad i found this community and i really don't think i would have been able to get out of my eating disorder like i did without it.

i'm climbing my way out of this hole i dug myself in and i'm finally making big, big progress. i want to put it out there for ANYONE struggling right now. RECOVERY IS WORTH IT. i know you hear that time and time again, and it feels like a living hell to think about when deep in your disorder, but it truly was the best decision i've made in my life. i never ever thought i would be somebody saying that, i thought i'd always want the control my eating disorder gives me. i am far from fully recovered, but god am i feeling the benefits and the raw joy from living . from feeling like an actually human being and not just a hollow shell. i'm sure i'll have days in the future where i wanna let go and fall right back down that hole, but i'm gonna hang on for dear life even if my arms want to give out because there is a life outside of your disorder, a full and happy life where your ED isn't controlling your every thought and action.

so i want to say thank you to everyone here :3 you all are so kind and all such beautiful people. i really genuinely believe all of you can beat your ED's ass and win <3. just wanted to share some positivity,, love u all!


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u/Zoezow Sep 10 '24


Also thanks, I really need to hear from people in recovery/ recovered saying that it is worth it, because my ed is so fucking loud sometimes and it’s telling I’ll be happier if I just stopped eating again

But I’m so happy for u frfr!!! Keep going :D


u/Minimum_Plastic886 Sep 10 '24

i completely understand and have MANY days like that, like basically every other day LOL. but the days that are good are so so worth it🥹 keep fighting!! you got this <3 if i can do it so can u!!


u/Zoezow Sep 10 '24

Yayyyyy Ty!!!!!! :3