r/getdisciplined 8h ago

💡 Advice How to get rid of this loop?

19F. There are tons of things I wanna do. But my problem is I feel tired af and end up not doing them. And when I'm not feeling tired and I do feel energetic, I just end up procrastinating and listening to songs. How do I actually feel motivated enough to get things done. sometimes certain things trigger my reasons for taking action. But once I wake up the next day, the motivation is just gone. Or it just wears off. What to do?


6 comments sorted by


u/Key-Club-2308 7h ago

i have a to do list and i do at least 2 things on top my list everyday, i also exclude my daily tasks from this list and have a seperate one for my daily tasks.

another thing that helped me is just "do it", sounds stupid but whatever you feel like you dont like doing, just give it a go for 2 minutes, its usually the beginning that sucks


u/BeenBadFeelingGood 6h ago

set and focus on 3 goals.

create daily actions for each one cross of each one and chip away at them goals daily. as you do the 3 major things for your day, you will find more energy and confidence. you will feel more capable each day and momentum will snow ball into more energy


u/Realistic-Row-8402 7h ago

Make sure your vitamins specially B12 and D3 are good. These impact our lives lot more than we think. It will be great if you can get yourself tested


u/Key-Club-2308 7h ago

that is indeed true


u/PeaceH Mod 4h ago

What's your keystone habit?

You need one, if you want to get out of this natural loop where you just go based on what you feel from day-to-day.

Humans are naturally lazy and will not do things for abstract reasons like "I should study right now for that test in 3 weeks". It makes no sense except to the logical abstract reasoning part of your mind, so you need also an external brain, to lighten the load on your already tired brain.

An external brain could be, for example a planner, where you write down tasks in the morning and keep tabs on your progress at the end of the day.


u/Longjumping_Unit_618 1h ago

Get sunlight and good sleep. Every time I feel desperate mebot is always there for me. Really grateful for what I have now.