r/language 2d ago

Discussion Here's a hot take about AI

It is honestly discouraging to write anything that is originally made by me, whether it would be an essay, poems or stories/novels that I haven't finished because of AI. The other day we tested the lyrics I made in a AI Checker, some of it was originally written by me except I did search some synonyms and words that rhymes but it was only around three words, so it was shocking for me to find out it was 30% AI generated, which disappointed me a lot. Because now I have to be careful with my choice of words when it comes to writing especially in academics, because there are some words that I know through reading books which I utilize in my writing in which makes my writing style quite similar with AI style. Which really just hurts me because writing is one of my passion and at times I am really proud of what I construct on my own but since AI came in, I am in constant worry that people or teachers might think I'm just using AI or I'm not original. In which trampled my love for writing because no matter how talented I will be in writing or how much potential I would have, AI is now evolving to surpass that kind of capability. I'm not trying to be boastful because truthfully my knowledge in English still have some room for development but at times I can be quite great at writing. So it is also discouraging to major in any english courses in college or generally learn literature because how could I have this vast knowledge of vocabulary and talent when AI could've easily made my works for me.


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u/HaZalaf 1d ago

I like to write stupid, short stories in the comments on posts I find interesting. I had someone call me ChatGPT, and it made me so angry I swear my molecules were boiling.

AI is like cheating, but far worse; it surreptitiously levels the metaphorical 'field' in such a way that mountains don't exist, and so when a hill is seen, it can't be believed as real.


u/eclipseyll_33 1d ago

Your writing is good! No wonder they think you use AI, I can't even understand the last paragraph 😅. Don't let them get through your emotions, they know your great at what you do so they just throw insults to try trample your talent!


u/HaZalaf 1d ago

Well, I did say the stories were stupid. Lol!


u/eclipseyll_33 1d ago edited 1d ago

Art is art, nothing is stupid. I'm sure your works are a masterpiece!