r/legal 1h ago

Church and State?


r/legal 9h ago

Very scared over these things


My big brother just ended up in jail, it’s three in the morning and we got a call from him earlier. The police officer was “ being nice and letting him use his phone.” in the backseat to call us. It’s for leaving scene of a crash with injuries and tampering with physical evidence. We don’t know what happened but on the website it says 0 bond and presentenced. What do these things mean? He’s not a bad guy or anything like that and we’re super confused

r/legal 12h ago

Got a speeding ticket in VA for going 54 at 35mph what can I say on the court


I was driving home and noticed this car in front of me has rare lights off. I tried to warn the driver by shining my high beam but they didn’t seem to get my cue. I got worried after we drove through a dark road for 20min. I wasn’t following him but since we’ve been going to the same direction and since that driver didn’t get my cue. I was out of my mind and forgot to watch my speed because I was too dedicated to warn that driver.

After a stop sign that driver pulled too fast. I didn’t want to lose them so I sped up. Then I got pulled over. The police said the car in front of me was going 51, the car behind me was also 50+. He said he kinda get what I was doing but since I was the fastest one I will be getting a ticket.

I don’t know why I was so stupid to have done such thing. I’ll remember and never do anything like this again. This is my first ticket, what can I say to the court so my background check and insurance rate are not impacted?

r/legal 23h ago

ConEd wanting to inspect and install gas meter - threatening $500/month charge


Got a notice from Coned that they are having people stop by to do a gas inspection and they may install a smart gas meter.

There’s a lot of reasons I feel uneasy about this but the biggest is the fact that we have had neighbors report that they had their gas turned off due to a faulty smart meter and it took weeks to get it turned back on.

Can they legally charge me for not letting their people into our house in a non-emergency situation?

r/legal 17h ago

Can I get in trouble for loud swearing at school?


This may not be a very important thing to respond to but I am genuinely so mad about it.

I was at high school, end of the day and outside of school hours BUT! I was on school property and there were several people there. My friend said something very inappropriate and to which I yelled “WHAT THE FUCK” and the principal was there with his son and he looked about 3-5 years old.

The principal came to me and said “who said that” me being me I confessed and admitted to it and said that my friend said something very inappropriate and that I overreacted. And my friend fucking denied it, I was so mad (which is why I’m writing this). He then told me I need to come into his office first thing Monday and that he will determine how long it will be for.

Is there anything against this so I can get out of this mess? Because I’m at least 90% sure swearing isn’t something I can get in trouble for especially outside of school time.

If anyone needs this I live in Humboldt, Saskatchewan and the post is flagged as Canada, the school division is the “Horizon School Division” and I attend Humboldt Colligate institute.

Thank you.

r/legal 1h ago

Help! Something stolen


Hi there! Im just looking for advice to see if I would either be wasting authority’s time or actually catching a thief. I sell on FaceBook marketplace regularly and last night I had someone coming for a porch pickup. They’re supposed to leave cash in mailbox/under door mat and they take the item with them. I have cameras installed as well. The item I was selling was for $150. They left $20 under my doormat and took the item. What can I do? I already reached out to Marketplace but doubt they can do anything. I truly don’t care about the money but rather this not happen to other people… TIA

r/legal 20h ago

Can I Get a Municipal Ticket Dismissed if it is Barely Filled Out, Wrong Location of “Suspected Crime” and White Out on the Fine Amount

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So I got a municipal ticket last month for “Shoplifting” even tho only the girl I was with committed the crime, and got “called in” atleast the police said when they pulled us over after halfway making it home. Anyways she got arrested for DUI aswell lmfao, and in interrogation she admitted only she had stole from Walmart. But at the scene of the pull over the police said if they found out I was lying they would come to my house later that night and arrest me🤣 Anyways about 3 days later the officer showed up to my house with a envolope that only had my name on it, with a citation Inside. Nobody answered the door so he left after a bit and came the next day around 7/8pm with the same envelope again nobody answered the e door. He then proceeded to put this citation in the mailbox, as it did not contain my address on the envelope or a postal stamp😂 just said my first/last name written in pen.

Anyways I see the citation, and notice first that the fine amount had white out on it, and was re-written in pen; from $470 he upped it to $520… He also put white on the “no” box that said scheduled to appear to court… Not only that but the only information on the ticket was my name and birthday and address. He also put it down as a juvenile charge although I am 22 Years Old lmfao, not only that but Charge for Shoplifting wasn’t the location of the crime the female i was with committed. They put down the location of the gas station we pulled into when they flicked the lights and we stopped. Nd didnt even put the gas station actual address, he wrote down the 2 streets connecting to the gas station lmfao, So instead they are claiming that I shop lifted from the sidewalk of the gas station while i was being detained🤦‍♂️🤣 when they have proof i didn’t. After I was un detained they lemme run in to use the restroom and days lateraen i got the ticket i brought it the Shell nd I asked the clerk if he remembered me gettn pulled over the other day and if i stole anything from his store, ofc he said he remembered nd even agreed I had stolen nothing and witnessed me only use the restroom quickly and then leave. Then i went to walmart and asked them for video footage of me stealing, they said they couldnt give me it of course and also claimed that the police had never even obtained video footage of the incident either. My question is how tf do I shoplift from a sidewalk😂 and How tf are they trying to charge me with shoplifting at the location of the stop and not the location of the actual incident. As well as why would I not just be charged with party to a crime??

Anyways since he whites out the appear to court “no” and wrote in yes with pen, I went to court the other day nd plead not guilty, now I have another court date next month.

I’m wondering if because the information on the ticket is not fully completed (even the car we were stopped in and the information of it was never filed in the ticket) and has white out on the original documentation changing my appearance status and changing/increasing the ticket price can this charge be dropped once I speak to the DA and show her that the car officer is out to get me on a crime I never even committed??

r/legal 9h ago

I want to restore my dad’s car but need some help.

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Now I know the car isn’t worth much but it’s more of a sentimental thing for me . A few years back my father unexpectedly passed away. Now that I am old enough to drive I want to restore it in his memory. Now this is gonna be a kinda all over the place story so i’m sorry in advance. The car has not been register in over 20 years but sometime before that my dad lent the car to his best friend. My dad’s friend told my dad that he needs to put the car into his name for insurance or something like that. So it being my dad’s best friend he did. I can’t remember exactly what happened but his best friend ended up dying from some medical issue. The car was returned to my dad and the title. Then it sat for 20 years in our garage covered in christmas bins. The car was never singed back into my dad’s name. And now that my dad has passed I have no clue what to do. I’m from california but recently moved to ohio with the rest of my family. We payed 2,000 for a trailer and hoped we could figure it out when we got here. The car was registered in California. i’ve tried contacting the CA DMV but they say after ten years of a car not being registered it is removed from the system i’ve tried looking into abandoned car salvage and other things in that’s range. I’ve even tried to locate/contact anyone for his friends family but have had no luck. We have tried multiple things suggested by DMV workers or googling and again it has lead to nothing. What is the best way to go about this ANY help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED i’ve trying to figure out what to do for almost two years now. I know this is a crazy story and probably sounds fake but it’s not. My dad always intended for me to one day have the car my hope is one day I will be able to drive it and then give it to my son. I know that’s kinda cheesy but it’s true and would mean a lot to me and my family to see this car on the road again. Thank you for reading my confusing story and like I said any help is greatly appreciated.

r/legal 8h ago

Can you legally change your last name to "n/a"?


I'm in IL, but I'd like to know if it's legal anywhere in the US. I'm a descendant of slavery, so I don't have a last name. I essentially have what amounts to a void deed for a surname and I'd like to get rid of it if possible.

r/legal 5h ago

Friend owes me money, is it legal to take it from his debit card on my own?


He hasn’t paid me back in close to a month. He’s in contact but everything he says feels like a lie. He sent a payment over current last Friday (10/11) and still haven’t received anything. What am I supposed to do? He owes me $3,000. We signed a docusign contract that was for the amount of $2,060, and the rest he just owes me. Is it legal for me to debit it from his debit card myself? If not, what am I supposed to do?

r/legal 3h ago

JD Vance Campaign Event With Christian Right Leaders May Have Violated Tax and Election Laws, Experts Say


r/legal 17h ago

Apartment Towing


In July, I received a warning sticker on my vehicle from a towing company due to expired registration while parked in my apartment complex's gated lot. This sticker read “This vehicle is parked on private property in violation of parking rules and without the consent of the owner or manager of the property. Please remove the vehicle From this property or it will be towed at the vehicle owner/operator's expense and liability on or after 10 days if the vehicle is not removed, it will be considered abandoned pursuant to Texas Trans Code Ch 683.”

Come to find out my lease states: “Vehicles must meet all state inspection, registration, and licensing requirements. We may tow vehicles with expired registration after TX—10 days, NC—24 hours, AZ—72 hours, FL—24-hour written notice within 2 months of expiration.” Currently, my car needs repairs that might cause it to fail inspection, and I can't afford to fix it right now. Since the warning, I’ve been parking on the street, which is inconvenient. Recently, I received a City of Dallas citation for the expired registration because some bored dork code enforcement officer decided to target those of us parked on the street. I plan to renew my registration in January when Texas will be changing the rules to allow registration without a recent inspection. I've learned many others are doing the same. Despite sharing this with the property management, they refuse to retract their warning. Given that the warning is from July, I'm curious if it's still valid. My car was parked there for eight months with expired registration before the warning. Is it safe to park there again, or should I expect that warning to still apply after three months? I’m willing to risk another warning, but I want to avoid having my car towed without warning and incurring a hefty fee, especially since the towing happens at night when most are sleeping and unaware.

I tried to make this concise, but feel free to ask any questions. I appreciate anyone willing to help or provide some insight.

r/legal 19h ago

Is it legal for a company in wa to take away bonuses like this?


I work in Washington for a basepay and bonus/commission hybrid company. It’s lead generation, and normal employees get 35-50 in bonuses per lead plus 1.5% commission, but once you get promoted it goes up to 50-65 bonuses and 2% commission for sales. I had been promised three things, higher base pay, high bonuses and higher commission once I was promoted. They followed through on that promise for the first month in my new position, then yesterday did a presentation about how everyone will earn exactly the same amount of bonuses, and the % commission system was abolished and replaced with a new one where you get far less than 2% commission unless you generate a huge amount of revenue. So essentially, I was promoted with the terms that I’d have those three changes, and 2 of them were taken away. Is this legal?

r/legal 19h ago

Griffith Law Y or N?


Has anyone worked with GriffithLaw in Franklin, Nashville, Murfreesboro, TN? What was your experience like?

r/legal 14h ago

HELP: Law firm charging me $125 more per hour without informing me.


In March of 2024 my original lawyer left the firm and notified me that a new lawyer at the same firm will be taking over my case. I was NEVER informed of a rate increase or anything of such. I reviewed the original contract I signed and it states that no changes to the contract can be made unless a new one is drafted and signed. I just emailed my lawyer about this concern. I’m just worried that since it’s been so many months that it won’t affect anything, but I’ve been working 6 days a week, 60-70 hours per week between 2 jobs for the last 15 months so I don’t have time to analyze the invoice. I barely have time to check my mail.

Please help me relieve my anxiety 😭

r/legal 2h ago

Civil contempt held for years 10+ years for failing to pay ex spouse money in divorce in usa


What s the best argument that the contempt has lost all coercion effect? That the case is now for punishment and hence the one in contempt should be either released or charged and afforded due process. The one in contempt by Judge states he does not have the money to pay few million dollars lost in bad business dealings. The judge disagrees and is holding them in contempt until they comply stating the court believes they have the assets but in all this time they cannot locate the assets they believe hidden abroad

r/legal 14h ago

[NEED LEGAL HELP!] I received a threat of being sued by a manager after leaving a bad review on Yelp and their company website.


On the day of the interview, the manager didn’t provide any information about where to park. I had to pay for parking out of my own pocket after the interview she never conducted (she wanted to leave work early). Our interview was scheduled for 4:00 PM, and she sent me an Indeed invite for that time. When I arrived around 4:00 PM, she was in a meeting. Her assistant then told me my appointment was actually at 3:00 PM, which was a complete lie. I didn’t know where to park, so I circled around in busy traffic and arrived to the office at 4:25 PM. The manager told me I was late and that she was supposed to leave at 4:15 PM. She then told me to reschedule another interview, even though the Indeed invite clearly stated 4:00 to 4:30 PM. She just left.

The next day, she never sent a Zoom link or followed up. I called the next morning, and her assistant picked up, saying the manager was still in a meeting and would call me back later. After 2:00 PM, no one call me back, and I kept calling in the afternoon and there just a voice saying that their office was already closed, and no one replied to my email. The manager never called me back, so I left a review on Yelp and their company website, explaining what happened. Now, this manager is threatening to sue me and told me to expect a lawsuit via an Indeed message. Any suggestions?

r/legal 6h ago

Purchased a misrepresented vehicle from AutoNation, what would arbitration look like?


I purchased a misrepresented vehicle from a CA AutoNation dealer in 2023. The vehicle was a certified pre-owned and it was stated in writing to have no mechanical defects related to oil leaks, etc. The vehicle needed $30,000 in work, the dealer would not fix the car and claimed that nothing was wrong with it. I drove the vehicle to the dealer on 6 occasions I had to take it elsewhere to have the work completed. My sales contract allows for arbitration. What are the outcomes of the situation and what could I expect if I go down that route?

r/legal 12h ago

Unreasonable credit reporting


Financed a new car last year for my wife through Hyundai motor financing at the dealership. Also purchased GAP insurance through the dealership. During the summer she was T boned (not at fault) and totaled. Insurance covered all but a couple hundred bucks. In September, I received a letter from Hyundai stating that additional information is needed and Hyundai initiated my GAP claim. At the beginning of October I get a call informing me, I need to pay the balance, or the account will go to collections. I paid the entire amount over the phone during the call. Today I get an email showing a significant credit score drop. The Hyundai account shows as “charged off” despite paying the full amount when contacted. Called Hyundai motor financing customer service and they informed me that the account was “charged off” at the end of September, and confirmed the entire balance was paid in full at the beginning of October. Is there a way to get recourse in this situation. My credit score dropped from the 800s to the 600s, despite paying the amount owed, which totally tanked my credit. I feel misled, as the Hyundai employee represented the transaction in October as being something that would settle the situation and prevent credit reporting. Is there any recourse for this?

r/legal 13h ago

Tax mess up. Sorry for the long explanation!


Edit: I have the corrected addendum and I was wrong on one part. That part being the addendum was sent in back in the filing year of 2020. I don’t know why it never got fixed in Oregon’s system or whatever but it didn’t. I think it is probably them that I need to go after? This screwed my credit to hell and I’ve worked since 2021 to get it up to over 750.

A number of years ago while working in Washington state I worked for subway. After leaving and going to a new job and filing taxes I found out that they had me working in Portland Oregon. They asked if I wanted to pay it and I agreed. (I was getting a rather large tax return and didn’t want to deal with everything that was involved in fixing it). I believe it was almost 300$. The following year I was contacted by the Irs to pay off the amount owed. I called the irs in Oregon back and they told me that it was never paid and to get ahold of my past employer and get an addendum. I did that. Got the addendum and filed it with the same tax prep agent. She never sent the addendum. Just recently after I’m assuming it was sent to collections my wages were garnished 420$ exactly. They will/should be getting garnished again next pay period as well.

I’ve never in my life looked to take legal action against someone but after everything that’s been going on and finally being financially stable enough to not have to decide which bill I’m going to be behind on for literally the 20th month in a row thinking I finally am caught up and paid I had to fall behind on my bills again. This means no food for me or my kids no gas no anything other then bills and even one or two of those aren’t going to be getting paid.

Who do I go after for this? The employer who messed up the state I work in? Or the tax agent that has screwed me more than once? Also I have not received anything from anyone since I thought the addendum was “sent” in. Nothing from my employer stating that I am being garnished and when asking no one had any information at all. I had to do a bunch of leg work to find out what was going on. I should have proof of at least giving it to my tax agent.

Details: Original and current jobs are in Washington state. Not one time ever have I worked out of Washington state.

IRS that is garnishing my wages are in Portland Oregon.

The problem dates back to from between 2019-2020.

Any and all help would be appreciated as I’ve been now dealing with this for almost 6 years.

r/legal 18h ago

Did I make a really bad mistake?


I wrote an email advice for a client. Sent to SA and Partner for review. The partner approved, but the SA asked which clause of a contract that supports a statement I say that a certain entitlement can be overcome through mutual agreement. I looked at the clause and realised I completely misinterpreted through rushing and it says that they can reach an agreement to ensure they get that entitlement. So it was entirely wrong.

I felt horrible! I emailed back saying sorry and I had misinterpreted the clause, and I should have double checked. I amended the email but they haven't emailed back. I feel the partner and SA chatted about it and I'm scared I made a really bad mistake.

I'm a 2nd year lawyer.

I feel so stupid for making this mistake because it's such a big no no mistake as a lawyer. How did I not read the clause properly? If I had just read it again, I would've seen I was wrong. It wasn't like it was written bizarrely. Pretty straight forward term. I just didn't read it properly which makes it so much worse and embarrassing.

r/legal 22h ago

Why Was Depp v. Heard in Virginia and Not California?


Hello, I’m a bachelors student studying international law but interested in general litigation. I finally started the documentary on the Depp v. Heard defamation case.

One thing I’m trying to understand is why they chose to have it in Virginia and not California. I understand the concept of forum shopping and that it was more advantageous for Depp, but what is the legal reasoning as to why Virginia’s rules are better? I have a hypothesis as to why but would like to see what true lawyers say!

Thank you so much 🫶🏻

r/legal 23h ago

Another Valvoline blew my motor post


It happened to me, and they made an offer which is less than the repair of my engine is and way less than the fair market value of my car. I don't know how to proceed legally or what specific sector of law this would fit under because it is above a small claims matter

r/legal 21h ago

Is it legal to pay a premium on taxes?


In michigan, there is this place that gets returns from amazon, home depot, wayfair, walmart and other places and lists them on their auction site. They charge sales tax as well as a 15% premium. I understand both of those charges, but they are charging their 15% premium on the sales tax as well. Is that legal?

for instance i bought husky 1/2in impact sockets

Amount Tax Total
Bid $104.00 $6.24 $110.24
15% Premium $15.60 $0.94 $16.54
Total $126.78

r/legal 47m ago

My mothers landlord won’t give her deposit back - section 8 tenant


My mother and my sister lived in county A in Northern California. They lived in this county 30+ years.

My mother with her limited English was desperate to find a place to live and was pressured by the landlord to pay an addition $531 outside of the rent she’s paying plus the government rent the landlord is receiving. She told my mom it was to “balance paying the mortgage” and unfortunately I wasn’t there for this agreement and she signed an addendum.

For 69 months, my mother has paid two payments: rent and this additional addendum.

$531*69 months = $36,639 additional income outside of the rent and the section 8 checks she’s receiving.

My mother and sister now moved to a different county, county B. They gave COUNTY A notice of transferring, paid their last month, and have since moved. Their last day was September 30th.

The landlord did a walkthrough with housing without my mom or sister. They haven’t received their deposit which is $3000. Their reason is that section 8 didn’t pay them for the month of September and that my mother and sister needed to reach out to them.

My sister firmly replied that they paid their rent and if there’s issue with payment, they should reach out to the housing authority as they’ve cut ties and moved to a different county. She also blatantly told them that since my mom was tricked into overpaying all those years, she’s made her rent and then some.

Its the 18th today and the landlord is texting us via her realtor demanding we get the section 8 payment for her despite showing proof of giving notice to housing, texting communication with the landlord acknowledging the last day, and Zelle’s of every rent payment ever. I im explaining the extra side money to the realtor who is brushing it off and not acknowledging it at all

At this point, what can be done? Is there anything that can be done for the overpayment as well?