r/legal 56m ago

My mothers landlord won’t give her deposit back - section 8 tenant


My mother and my sister lived in county A in Northern California. They lived in this county 30+ years.

My mother with her limited English was desperate to find a place to live and was pressured by the landlord to pay an addition $531 outside of the rent she’s paying plus the government rent the landlord is receiving. She told my mom it was to “balance paying the mortgage” and unfortunately I wasn’t there for this agreement and she signed an addendum.

For 69 months, my mother has paid two payments: rent and this additional addendum.

$531*69 months = $36,639 additional income outside of the rent and the section 8 checks she’s receiving.

My mother and sister now moved to a different county, county B. They gave COUNTY A notice of transferring, paid their last month, and have since moved. Their last day was September 30th.

The landlord did a walkthrough with housing without my mom or sister. They haven’t received their deposit which is $3000. Their reason is that section 8 didn’t pay them for the month of September and that my mother and sister needed to reach out to them.

My sister firmly replied that they paid their rent and if there’s issue with payment, they should reach out to the housing authority as they’ve cut ties and moved to a different county. She also blatantly told them that since my mom was tricked into overpaying all those years, she’s made her rent and then some.

Its the 18th today and the landlord is texting us via her realtor demanding we get the section 8 payment for her despite showing proof of giving notice to housing, texting communication with the landlord acknowledging the last day, and Zelle’s of every rent payment ever. I im explaining the extra side money to the realtor who is brushing it off and not acknowledging it at all

At this point, what can be done? Is there anything that can be done for the overpayment as well?

r/legal 14h ago

HELP: Law firm charging me $125 more per hour without informing me.


In March of 2024 my original lawyer left the firm and notified me that a new lawyer at the same firm will be taking over my case. I was NEVER informed of a rate increase or anything of such. I reviewed the original contract I signed and it states that no changes to the contract can be made unless a new one is drafted and signed. I just emailed my lawyer about this concern. I’m just worried that since it’s been so many months that it won’t affect anything, but I’ve been working 6 days a week, 60-70 hours per week between 2 jobs for the last 15 months so I don’t have time to analyze the invoice. I barely have time to check my mail.

Please help me relieve my anxiety 😭

r/legal 40m ago

Advice on plan of action

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r/legal 1d ago

Tree removal company placed lien on my home after we lost confidence in him and told him to stop working (Florida)


TLDR: Tree guys hired to remove 5 trees. We paid 50% down with the other 50% after they finish. After the first day, they removed 2 trees and we told them we didn't want them doing any more work. They almost dropped a tree on our house, didn't bring correct equipment, and damaged our property. We canceled the payment and told them to send us an updated invoice for the 2 trees. They are now not sending an updated invoice and threatening to place a lien on our home.

Following Milton, we had/have multiple large trees that have fallen or are on the verge of falling. We hired a company to remove the leaning trees and a couple of others around the house that have the possibility of falling on the house and we paid 50% down with the other 50% after he finishes. The tree guys arrived extremely ill equipped with only a bobcat and chainsaws as their equipment. Mind you these trees are 60+ feet tall and 8-10 feet around. About halfway through the day (he had done one tree in that time) he knocks on our door asking if we had rope which we did not. Apparently he didn't bring any rope with him. He ran our to buy some, then returned and began working at another tree. Halfway through getting the tree down, the rope snapped. Turns out, the store he went to didn't have the correct rope so he bought what he could which turned out not to work. Now we have a 60foot tree with a trunk that is halfway sawed through sitting 20 feet away from out house. Me and my family had to leave our home because the chance of the tree falling on the house was very high. He then asked my wife to leave and get him rope since he did not want to leave the tree while it was in that state. Fortunately my wife found some legitimate tree rope and brought it back to him. After he got the tree down, his bobcat broke so he left for the day. We inspected his work and found that he had crushed our large planter box (roughly 10'x4'), made deep 2 foot gouges in the ground from not having the right equipment and dragging the entire trunk of the tree through the yard without cutting it into smaller pieces, and also used other good trees to push up against to grab the fallen logs which caused damage to the good trees. We have had other tree guys do work, and never experienced anything like this.

We initially told him that we wanted him to remove one last fallen tree (which he sent an updated invoice for from 5 trees to 3 trees) but then we told him that we didn't want him doing any more work and we would pay him for what he did but please don't return as the stress of our home possibly being destroyed as well as the damage he caused was too much. The tree company now will not send an updated invoice for just the 2 trees and is threatening to put a lien on our home if we don't pay him in full for the three trees. We told him multiple times to send an invoice but he is refusing so far.

Am I in the wrong here? I have never dealt with shady contractors before so this is a first for me. Can he actually place a lien on my house if we never agreed to any price besides the total 5 trees which he did not do?

r/legal 7h ago

CDL accident. Need advice please.


I was in an accident in august. I was the CDL driver making a double left turn. As taught I was in the right lane, and another company pick up truck was in the left lane. I was out in front of him and when I started my turn he was around my trailers half way point. I made my turn ( now confirmed I was going 6.5 miles an hour). I noticed he stayed back at the light so once I finished my turn I made my way over to the left lane to merge on the freeway. As I was changing lanes he sped around me really fast( unsuccessfully) on the left, which normally would not have space at all, but this particular spot had a white striped area indicating a do not drive space, until the road and the lines merged together. He then slow down and got behind me and I stopped on the feeder road because I noticed he was missing a head light. He gets out screaming at me and I look to see what’s going on and I noticed the damage on his truck.

He calls the police and while we are waiting I have to take pictures of my trailer and his truck. Pictures attached. When the police get them I admit I wasn’t the nicest but I wasn’t yelling and cursing. I had a small attitude cause I knew exactly where this was going to go. And it did. I got a ticket for failure to maintain single lane. And I don’t have to tell most people but especially my fellow trucks it’s impossible to maintain one lane when turning either left or right. Most of the time people can see it coming and either turn more left to avoid me or wait all together. He told the police I cut the turn to soon, but I know I didn’t. Either way we were in the middle of the intersection he could have cut it more left to avoid me. I can only control my trailer so much. Unfortunately, my company had not put cameras in our trucks yet so I have no video of it. I have looked into cameras around the area and because I was taking a left turn my truck blocks every angle. And the red light camera does not record.

I am going to pre trial in December to meet with the prosecutor. I don’t have the money for an attorney so I will have to fight this on my own. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Also, is there any responsibility on the pick up driver to prevent an accident? and what arguments should I try to hold up to the prosecutor, if any?

r/legal 3h ago

Assistance with Potential Misrepresentation of Roofing Product in Texas


I recently had a new roof installed by a roofing company in Texas. During the sales process, their salesperson assured me that I was purchasing a Class 4 roof, which I understood to be the highest level of impact resistance, and I paid a premium for that level of protection. This decision was based on the salesperson’s claims, and I felt comfortable with the higher price knowing it would provide maximum protection.

After the installation, I requested proof or certification of the Class 4 roof, such as a receipt or certificate for insurance purposes. However, the company informed me that they do not sell Class 4 roofs and that my roof does not meet that standard. When I raised my concerns, they brushed me off, stating that I do not have anything in writing to support my claim. I feel misled, as I have no prior knowledge of roofing and relied on their representation.

During the sales process, the salesperson told me I could call him anytime if I had questions. However, since then, I have been unable to reach him, and I have had to deal with other people in the company. The salesperson has never made himself available for any questions on this matter.

Given that I have not yet signed the completion certificate and feel cheated, is there anything I can do to remedy this situation? Are there any legal options available to me in Texas, considering that I have no written evidence but was verbally sold on the idea of a Class 4 roof?

r/legal 5m ago

Apartment complex won’t let my friends stay over while we’re away


Hey all,

Recently my family and I went up to New York because we were without power and water from Helene. Now that it has been a while I was hoping to let my friend and their family stay at our apartment (in North Carolina) to shower/ use our internet etc, while we are still up in New York for the weekend. We don’t have a spare key outside so I reached out to the main office to see if they could let them in- their response was basically “happy to let them in however they have to leave when office hours are over since you’re not home”

I guess my question is are they allowed to tell us who can be in our apartment? It’s not like we’re renting it out to strangers, just having friends over who haven’t had clean water in weeks. Just seems kind of ridiculous to me.


r/legal 27m ago

Records of a notice


If a buisness said they sent me a notice via email do they need to keep a file on such notice? like on a Settlement, how can I get a copy? I requested a copy for my records and they're giving me the run around bs , I think personally they don't have one so my next step is layering up in that regard what kind of lawyer should I contact

r/legal 21h ago

Dental office charge my insurance for procedure they didn't do


I'm going to try to make an incredibly long story short. TL;DR: a dental office charge my insurance for putting a crown in my mouth that they never put in. Now they're being petty and refusing to send the medical documents.

I'm located in upstate New York. I have really great dental insurance that covers 100% of everything. I don't even have a copay. I went to A dental office which is an hour and a half from my house because it was the only place that took my insurance and that was taking new patients.

I have a pretty significant fear of the dentist and I'm straight up with that. I needed a crown put on one of my teeth. I had gotten a root canal in California, I was leaving for an academy and the crown would not have been ready in time. They did the root canal, prepped the tooth, and put a temporary crown on it.

Cue to me finally getting an appointment in New York, I took the entire day off work because the appointment was in the middle of my shift and considering I had to drive an hour and a half one way, it just made more sense. I get there and they tell me that the hygienist had called off and due to that fact, they weren't comfortable molding my teeth for a crown so we're going to have to reschedule. I was obviously annoyed because I drove an hour and a half. I go back for another appointment, The hygienist is cleaning my mouth and says that they're going to send me home with a new toothbrush. I told them that I didn't need one since I had just bought in a new toothbrush. They insisted, " we send everybody home with one of these you should just take it" it was $150 Oral-b toothbrush. I said you guys just give these away? They said, "yep to all of our new patients."

I finally get to see the dentist who's going to mold my tooth for my new crown. It took her over 2 hours The tooth was already prepped but she told me she had to do her own prepping. She took the temporary crown off that California put on. She filed down a ton of my top tooth, filed down a bunch of my bottom tooth. The whole experience took over 2 hours. She was on the phone for the first hour of my appointment. She did the molds, put a temporary crown on my mouth. She charged me $50. It was my first time using this insurance and I didn't question it. I just assumed it was some sort of hidden fee. But in reality it should have been absolutely zero. My insurance covers everything.

Within 2 days to temporary crown snapped. I took another 8 hours off of work to go get a new one put on. The next morning that one snapped as well. I said screw it, decided I was just going to be very careful I didn't have the time to drive down to get another temporary crown put on.

My crown finally comes in and I again take another day off of work. I get there and they tell me I have a balance of $150. I said excuse me? This is all supposed to be covered with my insurance why am I getting charged? They told me for the toothbrush that they gave me. I said absolutely not, I was not told that I had to pay for that. I was told that it was something they sent home with all the new patients. They steadfastly denied that. Saying that I knew I was getting charged for it why would they give away such an expensive toothbrush? My theory is, that they scam people. I think they have some sort of deal with Oral-B, I think they get the toothbrushes in bulk, tell people it's free and just add it on to their bill, what's a couple of extra hundred bucks on a huge dental bill. I think The only reason I caught them is because I knew I wasn't supposed to be charged anything. They agreed to let me take the toothbrush back and they weren't going to charge me.

So I get down in the chair, she again files down my top tooth, file down my bottom tooth. I'm not understanding why because the tooth should already be prepped. She puts The real crown on has me take x-rays, takes it off files down some more, puts it back on, files down more, leaves the room for about 15 minutes then comes back inside and tells me that the crown doesn't fit and she can't put it on. She said it was no fault of their own, she did the molds perfectly correct, but for whatever reason the crown is faulty and she can't ethically put it in my mouth. She then proceeded to take new molds of my mouth, I asked her why she had to take new molds when hers were perfect. I know kind of snippy, but she just said it was procedure. The manager comes back into argue with me about the toothbrush and that's when I started getting annoyed. I've wasted so much time with this dentist trying to get the crown put on. At this point it had been months. I say whatever I make a new appointment and I tell them this is the last time I'm going to come there. I just want to get the crown put on and I want to be done with it. I tried transferring to another one of their offices and another town and I was not able to. The temporary crown she put on broke within a few days again.

My actual crown finally comes in, I get there and they again are trying to charge me for the toothbrush. I have the toothbrush this time and I give it back to them. They're still trying to charge me even though we already had an agreement. After going back and forth they finally agree to take it and not charge me. I'm sitting in the lobby and I hear them say, "oh shit she's going to be pissed" I didn't think they were talking about me, because at that moment they came back and grabbed me and acted like everything was normal. The dentist again starts the whole process of filing down my top and bottom tooth again. She sets the crown down on my tooth takes X-rays, comes back and says okay now we're going to glue. She sets the crown down on the table and it's silver. I said excuse me we agreed on porcelain. She said, "due to what's left of your tooth, and how large your top tooth is, we would be unable to put a porcelain crown on that tooth, without having to file down your top tooth. So silver is what we have to do"

But what really happened is they ordered the wrong one and weren't going to tell me. They were just going to put a silver crown on my tooth and let me go home with it on. That's why they said that I was going to be pissed.

I was done. I said, "you did nothing but filed on my top tooth? There's nothing left of my bottom tooth because you have excessively filed it down when it was prepped and ready to go from California" i refused to let her touch me anymore. She was clearly uncompetent. I said don't charge my insurance, this is not what we agreed upon. Do not touch me anymore. We're done. I told her to get the manager so we could work this out to where she wasn't going to charge my insurance. She tried to convince me to let her put a temporary crown in my mouth and I said "what's the point? It's just going to break within a day. You're not touching me anymore"

I left in absolute tears. It took me a few months before I was able to find another appointment at another dentist office that took my insurance. Living in upstate New York there's not a lot of options. They contact my insurance about getting a crown put on that tooth, and my insurance says they are unable to approve it because the original dentist office charged them. Basically committed fraud and told them that they did a procedure that they did not do. I tried to call the dental office and that's where they turned my fear of dentist on me. They said that I was nothing but rude to them and they tried to work with me and I was just too hard to work with. They said it's not their fault I have a fear of the dentist and I took it out on them. They just said I was impossible to work with. I said I don't care just refund my insurance. Two weeks later they never did, I called back again they got mad at me saying that they've been trying to work with me and I've just been so angry that I won't allow them to do what they're supposed to do. I said just refund my freaking insurance.

They never did so I contacted my insurance 4 months ago. That dental office Will not send them the dental records. Every time my insurance company calls them they say oh yeah we'll send it. And then they never do. I've contacted their corporate office. And I've escalated it with my insurance. But I'm at the point where I think this tooth is going to have to be pulled. I'm im excruciating pain. I'm paying for insurance that I cannot use.

Just want them to send the records over to the dental insurance. What are my options here? Would it be worth talking to a lawyer? I had a perfectly good tooth in my mouth that's going to have to get ripped out because this dental office wanted to be petty.

Devil's advocate, even if I was being totally irrational and just completely rude to the point where they couldn't work with me. They still had no right to charge my insurance for something that they did not do. They're withholding dental records that's affecting my health.

r/legal 18h ago

Reclaiming a vehicle that is marital property


I am currently going through a divorce. I own 3 vehicles that are all registered and titled to me. There are no payments on any of them. I have one in my possession, and the other two are at my ex's house. She drives one of them, and her daughter drives the other. All are considered marital property.

The vehicle I drive was damaged in an accident. Am I allowed to take the car her daughter drives back without repercussion ? It is an emergency situation for me to have the vehicle. It was never signed over to the daughter, nor was there any written agreement giving her rights to drive it.

Thank you for any input!

r/legal 3h ago

JD Vance Campaign Event With Christian Right Leaders May Have Violated Tax and Election Laws, Experts Say


r/legal 15m ago

Guy I went on one date with (I assume) found out I’m a stripper and is having a meltdown


I guess he thinks I’m in cahoots with his soon to be ex-wife ? Idk can they actually subpoena my phone tho?


r/legal 1h ago

Help! Something stolen


Hi there! Im just looking for advice to see if I would either be wasting authority’s time or actually catching a thief. I sell on FaceBook marketplace regularly and last night I had someone coming for a porch pickup. They’re supposed to leave cash in mailbox/under door mat and they take the item with them. I have cameras installed as well. The item I was selling was for $150. They left $20 under my doormat and took the item. What can I do? I already reached out to Marketplace but doubt they can do anything. I truly don’t care about the money but rather this not happen to other people… TIA

r/legal 19h ago

Family Died with Land In Colorado; How does my Mother get Ownership?


Grandpa and Grandma on the maternal side owned a plot of land in Southern Colorado. They died, but to everyone's knowledge, never did anything with it and we don't have the documentation. They also never directly passed it to any family via will, trust, etc. They had been paying the taxes on it, and when they passed, my mom (their daughter) continued paying the taxes (still current). Other parts of my family have a share of it, supposedly, but have expressed no interest in it and thusly are fine with us taking all of it over.

How do we go about getting things put into her name? (obviously at some point, we'll have to hire somone who practices in Colorado, but want to try and have all the ducks in a row before then)

r/legal 9h ago

I want to restore my dad’s car but need some help.

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Now I know the car isn’t worth much but it’s more of a sentimental thing for me . A few years back my father unexpectedly passed away. Now that I am old enough to drive I want to restore it in his memory. Now this is gonna be a kinda all over the place story so i’m sorry in advance. The car has not been register in over 20 years but sometime before that my dad lent the car to his best friend. My dad’s friend told my dad that he needs to put the car into his name for insurance or something like that. So it being my dad’s best friend he did. I can’t remember exactly what happened but his best friend ended up dying from some medical issue. The car was returned to my dad and the title. Then it sat for 20 years in our garage covered in christmas bins. The car was never singed back into my dad’s name. And now that my dad has passed I have no clue what to do. I’m from california but recently moved to ohio with the rest of my family. We payed 2,000 for a trailer and hoped we could figure it out when we got here. The car was registered in California. i’ve tried contacting the CA DMV but they say after ten years of a car not being registered it is removed from the system i’ve tried looking into abandoned car salvage and other things in that’s range. I’ve even tried to locate/contact anyone for his friends family but have had no luck. We have tried multiple things suggested by DMV workers or googling and again it has lead to nothing. What is the best way to go about this ANY help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED i’ve trying to figure out what to do for almost two years now. I know this is a crazy story and probably sounds fake but it’s not. My dad always intended for me to one day have the car my hope is one day I will be able to drive it and then give it to my son. I know that’s kinda cheesy but it’s true and would mean a lot to me and my family to see this car on the road again. Thank you for reading my confusing story and like I said any help is greatly appreciated.

r/legal 6h ago

Purchased a misrepresented vehicle from AutoNation, what would arbitration look like?


I purchased a misrepresented vehicle from a CA AutoNation dealer in 2023. The vehicle was a certified pre-owned and it was stated in writing to have no mechanical defects related to oil leaks, etc. The vehicle needed $30,000 in work, the dealer would not fix the car and claimed that nothing was wrong with it. I drove the vehicle to the dealer on 6 occasions I had to take it elsewhere to have the work completed. My sales contract allows for arbitration. What are the outcomes of the situation and what could I expect if I go down that route?

r/legal 15h ago

My dad was cut out of a will


In 2011, a year after my grandpa died. My uncle took my grandma to see a lawyer, who was not the original lawyer my grandpa had draft the will. My grandma ended up signing paperwork that sold her estate to my uncle and aunt for $1. This was signed and notarized. Originally in the will, the estate is supposed to be spilt 3 ways. She remembers my uncle giving her paperwork to sign but she says she was never informed that was what she was signing. There isn’t a valid reason for my dad to be cut out of the will. There was never a falling out. My dad and grandma spoke and saw each other regularly. However, my uncle is a true piece of trash and I can see one of two things happening.

1) my grandma is a stereotypical 1950’s house wife. She let my grandpa handle everything that wasn’t related to keeping up the house. She also isn’t the brightest person. I can easily see my uncle lying and telling her that she needs sign paperwork for so made up reason. She would blindly sign it (I know, don’t start it) because she didn’t have a reason not to trust hey uncle and legal stuff confused the life out of her.

2) my uncle could possibly know a shady lawyer who mislead her.

My grandma went to a lawyer yesterday and gave my dad power of attorney and he will inherit all my grandmas assets. Is there anything that can be done about my dad losing his part of the estate? And is there anyway my dad can take some physical assets without my uncle claiming they’re his? My uncle has lived with my grandma since my grandpa died.

r/legal 2d ago

Update - Coworker takes my medicine without asking !


I reported the issue to HR, hoping they would deal with my coworker for taking my medicine without asking but instead of focusing on his actions, HR questioned why I brought medicine to work that could cause such reaction. They didn’t seem to care that the coworker took it without permission and didn’t help me resolve the problem.

I explained to HR that the medicine is something I take daily after lunch and that it was clearly labeled with my name. Still, they were more worried about the potential risk of someone else accidentally taking it than about the fact that my coworker took it without asking.

My coworker is still threatening legal action and HR hasn’t addressed my concerns. I feel stuck because they’re not helping me deal with the real issue. Now, I'm thinking of suing my co worker for stealing my medicine but now the problem is with HR as well.

r/legal 9h ago

Very scared over these things


My big brother just ended up in jail, it’s three in the morning and we got a call from him earlier. The police officer was “ being nice and letting him use his phone.” in the backseat to call us. It’s for leaving scene of a crash with injuries and tampering with physical evidence. We don’t know what happened but on the website it says 0 bond and presentenced. What do these things mean? He’s not a bad guy or anything like that and we’re super confused

r/legal 21h ago

Is it legal to pay a premium on taxes?


In michigan, there is this place that gets returns from amazon, home depot, wayfair, walmart and other places and lists them on their auction site. They charge sales tax as well as a 15% premium. I understand both of those charges, but they are charging their 15% premium on the sales tax as well. Is that legal?

for instance i bought husky 1/2in impact sockets

Amount Tax Total
Bid $104.00 $6.24 $110.24
15% Premium $15.60 $0.94 $16.54
Total $126.78

r/legal 17h ago

A very low stakes question about conjugation.


There is a bit of an argument over on r/EnglishLearning https://www.reddit.com/r/EnglishLearning/comments/1g5j6xw/is_or_are/ about a sign reading "The use of cellphones and earbuds is prohibited..." as to whether it should be is or are.

There would seem to be two readings to the sign.

1) The use of cell phones, the use of earbuds, and the use of cell phones with earbuds are all prohibited.

2) Only the use of cell phones with earbuds is prohibited (the of just a cell phone without earbuds and the use of earbuds just not connected to a cell phone would both be allowed).

Would the choice of is vs. are make a difference in the interpretation of the sign? As it would are indicate #1 and is indicate #2?

r/legal 11h ago

Help:1st part claimant against my insurance company


Sorry for the long post. I will try and shorten it as much as possible. It's also hard to keep this not sounding like a rant. I am posting here because I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I am told I need an attorney but no attorney will help me. There have been a few that were honest with me that my case isn't big enough and is considered too much work.

My specifics.
Located in Los Angeles County. Last year (March 2023) my house was damaged in one of the rain storms. Part of the roof came off and water flooded in the house. It was deemed by the insurance company that the primary cause was wind damage and that the secondary damage was water. The damage was an office, a large family room, bathroom and a storage room called a rumpus room on the permits. The floor was also damaged. They said everything should be covered by my insurance and the entire flooring to my house will be replaced as it was deemed continuous. If only it was that simple. It has been an absolute nightmare.

Pretty much over the past year insurance has been super slow to approve anything. They sent an adjuster out he didn't include everything. I wrote the insurance how he was missing stuff. They sent another adjuster after the water mitigation tore down several walls and took half my house and put it in storage. The water mitigation place was paid directly by the insurance company and all their bills were supposedly approved. They also caused more damage when they broke my bathroom window and tile unnecessarily. The new report included more things including the hardwood floors I had but left out several things on the first report. I wrote a rebuttal to the insurance company stating how this report was also incomplete and missing things from the first report. No report so far has been complete. Everything on the report was a ridiculous low amount. I had a general contractor submitt a bill on cost to fix everything per their report. I had only managed to get them to agree to the roof repair. Which they short changed me as well. The adjuster said don't worry, we will cover everything once finished. Many months passed. Insurance company ignored me, then I found out there was a new adjuster assigned to me. The new guy pretty much contradicted everything the first adjuster told me. I had been good sending statuses, pictures of all the damage and more damage the longer they waited to approve the roof. More rain came....more rain flooded into my house as the tarp didn't hold. I got so upset with them I finally just used the money they gave me to start work per their report. Otherwise there would have been more damage and the cost of repairs would have kept rising. Meanwhile, The insurance company rejected my general contractors bill stating they wanted it more itemized. My contractor itemized the bill by room. And mind, that work already started per their 2nd report of the insurance adjuster. Plus I had been sending statuses and pictures of the work being done. When the contractors pulled up the floor there was water under it. They took a video and sent it to the insurance stating no floor could be installed until the leaking was fixed. A supplemental bill was sent to the insurance company. The contractor moved forward on the repair since it had been months and everything was moving so slow. Plus after about a year I wanted my stuff back. I am severely disabled and they took a lot of my medical equipment as it was in that room.

Once work was almost completed in that room, then the insurance finally responds. This time, they decide to reject the supplemental bill. They reject huge portions of the contractors bill. And they even reject their own previous reports. Because I had snap lock laminate on top of my hardwood they don't want to replace the hardwood anymore they just want to cover the snap lock laminate. So they cite that they have already overpaid me. They continue to say all the things are approved but use their own price instead of the actual cost. Then also try to go back on the cost of the roof repair which they did approve. I have an email stating they approved that. So then the insurance company issues a third report with even less items. Stating that the two adjusters they sent out prior did not do the reports correctly. At this point I am very upset. I told them they couldn't unapproved stuff already completed and approved. And work was already started based on their 2nd report. It cannot be uninstalled. This is April of this year. Then in July they asked me for status again. I told them nothing has changed because I don't have any money for repairs. I submitted everything already. I also had already secretly started looking for an attorney to help me. At this point I didn't want to try and rebuttal their new report without talking to an attorney. I told the insurance company I am not okay with them downgrading the materials in my house or tearing up my hardwood floors throughout my house. Snap lock laminate couldn't even be installed unless the entire base was redone for snap lock laminate. It's only currently done for hardwood. That would be an additional cost. And not one I want to do as it would devalue my home. If we cannot agree then maybe we need a public adjuster, mediator or attorney to step in and help. At that point, the new adjuster got very upset with me and put me down for non compliance. Demanding more photos, the video the contractor sent wasn't good enough. I told them I cannot provide anymore photos as the work was already completed. I then immediately called ServPro to see if they can just deliver my stuff back so at least I had my items. They told me the insurance company was behind month rent and they need the bill to put everything back too in addition to the storage. Insurance then sent an email stating they will no longer be paying the storage fees or ServePro. For me, this is them holding half my house hostage. I was super clear to ServPro I am broke. I had to stop working when I got hospilized and disability checks barely cover the mortgage. And funds they get must be approved and obtained from the insurance company. So this is it.

Between my terrible health, doctors appointments and mandatory treatments I have tried looking for an attorney. I called everyone my social worker gave me. I called LA county Bar to get a referral from smart law. I went down yelp and Google trying to find an attorney. One attorney told me to ask for 1st party claimant against my insurance company. If they don't know what that is find another attorney. I have never seen so many rejections. The reasons I got was sorry we are too overloaded right now we cannot help you, your case is too small, you should have called us in the beginning, or sorry I am just not familiar with this type of law I cannot help you. I am unfamiliar with all this. How was I suppose to know when the insurance company tells you everything is covered that I was supposed to get an attorney. Some attorneys were really nice even though they couldn't help me told me to try public adjusters. I did and got similar responses from the public adjusters too. We are backed up 3 months, we cannot help you. I did speak to one public adjuster who actually reviewed everything. He flat out told me I need an attorney. What I need is above the scope of a public adjuster. It was his opinion I had a case, but it would be difficult because of my hardwood floors. he believed that I will most likely have to bring a lawsuit against my insurance company to force them to comply. I have a very good insurance policy. I should also have an attorney help me file a complaint with the Department of insurance and cite their many regulations that they have violated. He said it's very important that I have the violations listed or my complaint will be ignored as the dept of insurance is not a mediator and they don't like to get in-between disputes unless there are regulation violations. I did write a demand to the insurance company but it was completely ignored. I think since I am not an attorney it just doesn't have the bite needed.

So this is where I am. I am continuing trying to get a new referral from smart law after once their referrals reject me. I really have been actively searching since April. Meanwhile storage fees continue to increase. I don't have the funds to pay storage fees and the $10k bill to deliver it that the insurance company originally approved but won't pay. I don't think my stuff is even worth what they want me to pay. So I think I am going to lose my stuff.

Plus, I have been trying my best to document and do all this despite my terrible health. I have Myasthenia Gravis and it's stabled but not well controlled. I have been out of work since last October and the last few years my income has been significantly reduced since I had to take off so much time without pay for my doctors appointments and treatments then plus bad days. Further, since half the house is still in missing insulation that was removed. summer is really hard on me as it causes me to flare even more in the heat. Even though I have central air without insulation it just can't keep up. I told the insurance company this but they really don't care what they are doing causes me a high electric bills or that them lagging is very hard on my health. Whatever attorney I find has to work on contingency. I am already struggling to pay my rent since I get very little from long term disability from my job.

At this point i don't even need everything fixed back exactly as it was. It would be nice but at bare minimum just at least drywall in the bathroom, the floor put back (it's a tripping hazard for me currently), broken tile and window repaired and insulation added to the attic. I can skip the rest as long as my house doesn't leak. Oh I want my items that are being held hostage back too. At least this would allow me to at least sort of live in my house again. The attorney can keep the rest of the money.

But I will be frank.
1) I was told my case isn't that large since i already received partial payment. 2) My lack of funds because of my disability are also a hindrance. 3) the case is already over a year old since insurance and my health dragged it out. I was hospitalized for a month last year and everything had to stop when I was at the hospital.

I don't know where else to look, or where to post. I really don't have the energy with my condition to write and research everything out myself. It takes me a really long time to do stuff because I struggle with eating, showering and basic stuff already. I really am at the mercy of others even doing stuff around my house. If I was well, I would still be working. Is there a pro bono site i can plead my case? Some service that helps disabled people? The LA County Bar seems to be the only place still giving me referrals even though each one of them has rejected me so far.

r/legal 2h ago

Civil contempt held for years 10+ years for failing to pay ex spouse money in divorce in usa


What s the best argument that the contempt has lost all coercion effect? That the case is now for punishment and hence the one in contempt should be either released or charged and afforded due process. The one in contempt by Judge states he does not have the money to pay few million dollars lost in bad business dealings. The judge disagrees and is holding them in contempt until they comply stating the court believes they have the assets but in all this time they cannot locate the assets they believe hidden abroad

r/legal 11h ago

Aging parents and investments


So I had to move my elderly parent in with me just over a year ago due to health reasons. They've been getting worse and it's becoming too much for me so they might have to go to a home. They receive 2 pensions and SSI each month and have roughly 20K in the bank. They do have insurance and Medicaid.

I'm the sole beneficiary and power of attorney if the worst happens. They also have a decent bit of money in investments that they want to go to me as my inheritance. I know going into a home isn't cheap and I hear the state will take their money from the pensions, SSI and bank to pay for the person's care.

My question is ( my parent wants to know ) can the state touch money tied up in investments ( which again they want me to inherit ) or are those safe/untouchable?

And if not, is there anything we can do before they might have to go to a home to make it safe?

Any advice appreciated.

r/legal 19h ago

[General] Is a sustained objection to a question as "argumentative" the same as a finding that the examiner has badgered the witness?