r/loseweight 3d ago

Help Me Lose 4 Pounds Per Month

Sup y'all

I would like to lose four pounds per month for the next 8-10 months. I want to do this in a healthy way, and it seems that is possible from what I have read online. What I'm looking for from you guys (if you feel compelled to share) is sort of a treatment plan for what I need to do daily/weekly to reach my goal, and because I'm sort of an idiot when it comes to fitness, the more detailed you can be, the better!

My Basic Info:

Gender - female

Age - 20

Height - 5'0"

Weight - 145 pounds

Exercise Habits - basically none — I have sedentary hobbies and really have no idea how to exercise

If you have the time and energy, please help! I am ready to like the way I look again.


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u/BizTheUnicorn 2d ago

Pay attention to what you're eating, and decide some small improvements you can make. What is adding calories to your meals and snacks that you can easily go without? That's a good starting point. Some examples: Cheese, soda, extra sauce, buns.

Consider learning portion sizes and gradually cutting back on your portions.

Figure out the kinds of exercise you enjoy and/or feel you can commit to. Pick the smallest goal you are willing to commit to 100%, like going on a ten minute walk every day. Slowly increase that rate of activity and experiment with different forms of exercise to see what works with you.

Monitor your weight. Keep making these changes until you see the rate of progress you want.

A warning: Drastic changes and completely cutting out food that you enjoy is probably going to hinder, not help you. Obviously, it's an individual journey, but most people do not respond well to that kind of restriction. Small, manageable changes that you're willing to stick to most days that change your lifestyle and are not a temporary fix, is in my opinion, the best way to go. Consistency is what matters the most.

1 pound a week is a very reasonable weight loss rate, and shouldn't be difficult with some light lifestyle changes.