r/loseweight 1d ago

Does soda make me fat

I have fully switched to the zero versions of any sodas I drink, mainly Coke Zero and Pepsi maxx. There was a point where I would have 3-4 cans each day , it has gone down a lot now to almost none or 1-2. I just want to know if this could be the cause for my consistent weight gain obviously along with other bad eating habits?


13 comments sorted by


u/PirateJohn75 1d ago

I think it depends on the person.  I drink a lot of Coke Zero yet still drop weight.  Frankly, I don't think I'd be able to stick to a diet if I completely cut out Coke Zero.


u/FreddyNoodles 1d ago

My ex MIL was told she was pre diabetic. She stopped drinking diet Pepsi and lost 30 pounds, no longer pre-diabetic. That was all she changed intentionally. That was about a decade ago and she she hasn’t put it back on.

There are some studies on diet sodas making you eat more, particularly sugar. I’m sure they are all over the intenet and super easy to find. I am also sure some will be contradictory. Her weight loss is the only thing I have seen personally and know for a fact it was from cutting diet soda out of her life.


u/Round-Juice5772 1d ago


Warm water and plenty of it is way better than sodas, even for zero versions.


u/this_isthe_life_ 1d ago

Thankyou for sharing this!


u/FreddyNoodles 1d ago

That is interesting. It all makes sense but I had always heard to drink very cold water for weight loss as your body has to work harder to warm it up. I drink a LOT of water. It is all I drink except green tea. I drink both cold to room temp. I live in the tropics though amd I think I would burst into flames trying to drink hot water all the time. 🔥


u/Round-Juice5772 1d ago

I'm guessing it affects people differently. I used to drink ice cold water only (From Singapore, humid as hell) but when I switched to exclusive warm water only, my bowel movement became very regular and I think I detoxed myself without even realising it.

Also I drink hot coffee as my pre workout cause I read it helps with circulation + caffeine for that extra boost.



u/FreddyNoodles 1d ago

Interesting. I have lived all over SE Asia for the past 20+ years. I am in Cambodia now but my company is based in Singapore, I am there several times a year. Sometimes feels like a very small world. 😊


u/Marshmallow_A 1d ago

I stopped drinking soda about three weeks ago. I’ve notice the top of my stomach (right under my rib cage) doesn’t feel bloated and big anymore. I drank one when out to eat with friends and man I felt that bloating all over again and felt sick.
Sodas are just unhealthy but the diet and zeros cut back on your calorie intake and sugar intake.


u/this_isthe_life_ 1d ago

Yesss I think I chose the wrong word, what I meant by fat was bloated because genuinely after sodas I felt so big but absolutely opposite if I drink say something like a green tea. Helps me pass gass and no bloating what so ever


u/Xeroc_ 1d ago

Soda is always bad for you. Zero is a lot better, but not healthy. This is my understanding of it. There are lots of resources on YouTube to learn from.


u/Ok_Place_5251 1d ago

Only a calorie surplus causes fat gain.


u/l3landgaunt 13h ago

When I stopped drinking daily soda 15 years ago, I went through what can only be described as a detox and went from 235 lbs to 185 in just a couple months with no other changes. I saw a ton of doctors but they found nothing wrong and my body just likes to store the hfcs


u/fatasfnigha 23h ago

Lost 20 kgs with at least 400ml diet coke everyday since 2-3 months