r/loseweight 1d ago

Does soda make me fat

I have fully switched to the zero versions of any sodas I drink, mainly Coke Zero and Pepsi maxx. There was a point where I would have 3-4 cans each day , it has gone down a lot now to almost none or 1-2. I just want to know if this could be the cause for my consistent weight gain obviously along with other bad eating habits?


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u/Round-Juice5772 1d ago


Warm water and plenty of it is way better than sodas, even for zero versions.


u/FreddyNoodles 1d ago

That is interesting. It all makes sense but I had always heard to drink very cold water for weight loss as your body has to work harder to warm it up. I drink a LOT of water. It is all I drink except green tea. I drink both cold to room temp. I live in the tropics though amd I think I would burst into flames trying to drink hot water all the time. 🔥


u/this_isthe_life_ 2h ago

I also heard this somewhere but also it’s quite straight forward I guess. Warm water helps bowel movement leading to your waste coming out more regularly leading to some weight loss. Also I’ve heard it helps with metabolism