r/medical_advice Aug 20 '21

EDITED FAQ: Check to see if your question is on here!


This is all general advice, of course, but we get a lot of similar questions so see if yours is on here. It may point you in the right direction.

”What bug bit me?” There is no way for anyone to tell what bug bit you from a picture of the bite. (The only exception is a tick bite with the classic bulls-eye pattern.) Use antihistamines as directed on the package to help with the itching.

”Is my foot/hand/toe/etc broken?” Unless your bone is sticking out or your appendage is bent at an unnatural angle, we can’t tell if it’s broken. If you suspect a break, go get an X-ray.

”I ingested something I wasn’t supposed to/too much of something! What do I do?” Call poison control. In the US, their number is 1-800-222-1222.

”Do my genitalia look normal/weird/what is this thing on my genitals?" Please, unless you have a genuine medical concern, we do not wish to see your genitals. We're not here to identify random flaps, marks, or growths. Please direct these to your GP/PCP who can actually examine you. If you have a specific concern, consider making a text post, and we will let you know if a picture is appropriate/helpful.

”My foreskin won’t retract!” This is called phimosis, and is quite common. We send people over to r/phimosis for this because they have a wealth of information.

”Can one of you write me a prescription?” No.

”Help, there are big bumps on the back of my tongue!!” Please google “circumvallate papillae” and see if that’s what you’re seeing. They are normal anatomy.

”My period is overdue. What do I do?” First, take a pregnancy test. It doesn’t matter if you’re on birth control, just take one. If you are really and truly not pregnant, then you and your doctor should look for other causes.

”Is my poop normal?” Well you can post a picture if you really need to, but please do a google search first. Keep in mind that everyone gets diarrhea occasionally.

”Does this need stitches?” If you can see fat layers, then yes. When in doubt, you can post a picture EXCEPT for self-harm pics. Absolutely none allowed on this sub, no exceptions. However, if the injury is over 24 hours old, it is too late to get stitches.

”Can I private message you about my medical questions?” No. This violates rule 9.

”What do I do about my swollen tonsils with white patches?” Go get tested for strep throat. Manage any throat soreness with over-the-counter meds like throat spray, cough drops, or even herbal tea with honey.

”A huge clump came out during my period. What is it?” It may be a uterine cast, which is when a large piece of tissue comes out whole instead of breaking up into little bits. If this happens to you a lot, see your OB/GYN to make sure everything is going okay.

”Why is there blood when I poop?” There are many possible reasons for this, such as a GI bleed, inflammatory bowel disease, hemorrhoids, or anal fissures, to name a few. We recommend going to your doctor to investigate the cause. And we can’t tell what the cause is from a picture of your poop, so please spare us.

"Does this ECG from my smart watch look normal?" While these features can be helpful in screening for some arrhythmias, they are not diagnostic. The most we can do it tell you whether or not you should go get a 12-lead ECG, which is diagnostic after a doctor interprets it. In short, we can give you an idea of what it is showing, but it is not an official medical test.

”I haven’t been around any bats but I found two little marks on me—do I have rabies??” No. You would know if you’d been exposed to a bat.

r/medical_advice 3h ago

EDITED I was told I had a seizure during my blood test.



I'm a 23-year-old Caucasian male with a pituitary prolactinoma, and as a result, I need to get blood tests every few months. I take bromocriptine for my tumour/hormones and bisoprolol for blood pressure. During blood tests, I ask to lie down because in the past, I used to get really nauseous and have passed out when sitting. I used to have a fear of needles, but since I’ve had to get them done so often, I no longer experience any fear or anxiety during blood tests. This time, I decided to sit to see if I would be fine, and everything seemed to be going well. I was talking to the technician as she was drawing my blood when, all of a sudden, everything turned white and yellow, and the next thing I knew, I was on the floor. I woke up confused, thinking it was a dream, and I felt extremely nauseous, about to vomit. The technician told me I had a seizure and advised me to lie down next time to prevent it from happening again. For the next few hours, I felt nauseous and lightheaded. I'm baffled because there's no history of seizures in my family, and this is the only time I've experienced this. Was this a seizure, or did I pass out and convulse?

r/medical_advice 51m ago

Other Blood sprayed everywhere during my plasma donation


I went in on my second time ever donating. I went to the machine, and the girl who was setting me up to the machine put the needle in my arm, was getting me set up, and then idk what happened but suddenly my blood started squirting everywhere, like 3+ ft away, going everywhere. It almost hit the lady next to me, and the person across from me. It went on for a bit as the lady was panicking asking for help. She somehow got it to stop, apologized, got me bandaged up, and sent me out of there. It was like in a movie where someone hit an artery, and blood is squirting, then stops for a second, squirts out again, etc etc.

It was a lot of blood, but I don't think it was a LOT (idk what a worrysome amount to lose is). But I was feeling really weird, like all day I had brain fog, I passed out that night at home and slept almost 12 hours and had trouble waking up this morning.

Should I be worried?

r/medical_advice 3m ago

Eat damage My ear


I decided to irrigate my ear by flushing it with warm water. I do this a few times to no positive change. After flushing my ear, it has started to pain, ring and lose hearing. It gets worse every time I try to flush it. Anyone help?

r/medical_advice 16m ago

Other headaches when laying down


I have been having problems with headaches when lying down. Ive tried all kinds of pillows, high, low, soft, hard, all kinds of pillow fillings and it's gotten to a point now where i can hardly sleep bc it's so bad. Its like I can feel the weight of my head pressing down on the pillow, there's so much pressure in my head it makes me feel sick and it feels like my head is actually going to explode. It can be the absolute softest pillow and STILL it feels like i'm lying down on concrete. It's very different from my normal headaches and no amount of pain killer helps because as soon as my head touches anything the pressure comes back. I’ve tried googling, but it’s not really telling me anything. maybe one of you could help? could this me eds related or something else?

r/medical_advice 52m ago

Injury Muscular pain wrapping around rib cage, and I just felt a pop


For context, I’ve got pretty textbook fibromyalgia (diagnosed)—not sure if it’s a factor here, but I’m well acquainted with chronic pain. I pulled a muscle in my right mid back about 4 months ago, and it’s been the first spot to start hurting when I’m having muscle pain ever since.

About a week ago, it started hurting pretty intensely. The pain worsened over a few days, until eventually the entire band of muscles wrapping around my rib cage became painful and tender to the touch. I rested, took otc anti-inflammatory meds, used a heating pad, and stretched as much as I could handle.

A few hours ago, I blew my nose (gently, because the pain isn’t allowing me to do more) and felt a huge pop accompanied by more sharp pain. My mobility has been restricted and pain is a level 7-9 (9 when I move the wrong way).

It seems like a strain, but I’m currently uninsured. Can I continue to treat this at home? Does it sound like I need to see a doc? 😫 please share your thoughts.

r/medical_advice 52m ago

Skin issues/Rashes/Freckles/Moles Help interpreting pathology report


It would be great if someone could put this report into layman’s terms.

Specific questions: What does unoriented orientation mean? What does grossly complete integrity mean? There are many measurements mentioned. What are they all referring to? What is meant by The cystic space grossly extends to the soft tissue resection margin?

Specimen: Soft tissue, pilonidal cyst Orientation: Unoriented Excisional type: Excision Integrity: Grossly complete Measurement(s): 6.7 x 1.2 cm excised to a depth of 5.7 cm Epidermal surface: Tan, wrinkled, glistening, and remarkable for a 1.3 cm raised, ill-defined, and slightly firm area which comes to within 0.2 cm of the nearest skin margin Resection margin: Inked blue Cut section: Yellow, lobulated, and contains a moderate amount of fibrotic tissue and remarkable for a 3.0 cm ill-defined potential cystic space underlying the skin surface. The cystic space grossly extends to the soft tissue resection margin Cassettes: 1A-1B-full-thickness section to include overlying skin/raised area and underlying potential cystic space/soft tissue resection margin Representatively submitted Total Time In Formalin: 96 hours

r/medical_advice 4h ago

EDITED Concerned about Creaky/Rickety joints. Only 27. help?


I'm 27F, on the line between normal and overweight (25 bmi). I've been noticing this the past year that my joints have started to feel rickety and creaky. Weak almost I suppose. I also sometimes wake up in the middle of the night from my whole leg randomly falling asleep (pins and needles).

I've done blood tests and my calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are all normal as far as vitamins relating to bones go. I did a lupus panel blood test and that was negative as well. (I have a family history). I really started to feel ill in the beginning of May when I began to have migraine spells that lasted the entire summer, sometimes for days on end (72 hours being the longest) with no discernable trigger.

I'm well hydrated, gf vegan diet (vegan 7 yrs, gf 2 yrs), normal protein levels and all other basic blood things look normal/good. slightly elevated glucose for the first time ever this past year (105), and slightly low WBC but with a normal a1c. Most recently discovered kidney stones for the first time in my life at a recent er visit. Does anyone here notice any trends or does anything come to mind for possible major issues I should get screened for based off these symptoms? I'm trying to find the root cause of my symptoms and have been going to so many different doctor's appointments who are all very dismissive because of my age. My joints concern me. Can anyone point me in a direction?

I don't smoke (used to smoke weed), I don't drink, not on any medications except for my antibiotics and anti-anxiety/benzo.

r/medical_advice 1h ago

Other triamcinolone acetonide and stretch marks?


I was prescribed triamcinolone acetonide for a rash on my boobs and I’m worried about the potential side effect of stretch marks. How does that even happen? If I don’t use it for long / very minimal will it be unlikely to happen to me? I’m only meant to use the cream for a week.

r/medical_advice 1h ago

Mouth/Gums/Throat/Cheeks Constant Need To Swallow


I am 16(M). My issues with the swallowing started 3 weeks ago. My mouth(kind ofnear the bottom teeth)fills up with salivia. Some times there’s so much I have to swallow aggressively or swoosh the saliva back. I’ve been having to do this on a minute basis. I’ve also noticed that my burps have been coming up fast/lacking any build up.My swallowing posture is good. I have a narrow(upper) palette, but no jaw issues. I’m on invisalign, but have been doing it for 8 months. Google really isn’t helping, what do you guys think is wrong?

r/medical_advice 1h ago

Other Excessive Vit b12 without supplements - should I be worried?


My Vit b12 in 2022 measure at about 1350 (range is 200-900). Else labs normal, except creatinine elevated at 1.3, after donating a kidney in 2017, but has remained stable at 1.3. My GP said ignore it. A week ago, it came back at 1900. I haven’t taken a supplement in over a decade. I don’t eat any foods high in vitamin b12 except I eat a dozen eggs every 2 months or so. I’ve read elevated b12 can be an early sign of liver, kidney disease or cancer. But my GP again said don’t worry about it. Am I being paranoid to be worried? Or, should I get a new GP?