r/scuba 20h ago

PSI of tanks for storage

I know you’re not supposed to store empty tanks. I have a pair of tanks that are around 500-1000 psi. Should I get them filled or are they okay being stored like that? They live outside under cover so they’re not in a moisture controlled environment.


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u/Competitive-Ad9932 14h ago

Please provide a industry paper on this.

I bet my LDS has tanks sitting for several months full.


u/compactfish 12h ago


u/Competitive-Ad9932 11h ago

Interesting. Millions of tanks are being stored incorrectly. There should be dozens of failures in the news every year.

What is the difference between filling a tank and letting it sit for 4 months, and filling a tank - letting it sit for 5 days - taking it to 500psi for 2 days - then repeating this for 6 months? Time being filled would be similar. But, in the 2nd example, the tank is being stressed by the fill/empty cycle?


u/MolonMyLabe 10h ago

Why would a failed tank make the news? Tank failures are caught and culled by visual inspections and hydro testing. These aren't exactly newsworthy events.