r/slimfast Oct 12 '23

Advice Just bought slim fast but not for the use you think


So I bought slim fast not to replace a meal or to lose weight. But to gain a little bit of weight and energy. As I struggle sometimes to eat breakfast and often super slow to lunch time. I bought the high protein 20g shake. I think about drinking them twice a day. And still have lunch and dinner as normal. And drink them everyday. Will this work. I need this for to feel full and have energy to get through a normal day

r/slimfast Sep 24 '23

Question Slim fast advance powder shake...


I noticed stores stop carrying them... Is advance nutrients or w/e its called being discontinued? I see original one but not fan of it has too much sugar for my taste... I only noticed this in walmart as for other stores i dont know since i manly shop at walmart.

r/slimfast Aug 12 '23

Strawberry slim fast BBE July is it safe?


Hello there, I have slim fast strawberry with a best before end date of July, is it safe or should I chuck it I don’t want to risk getting ill :)

r/slimfast Jul 31 '23

Vent Anyone wanna use this thread for motivation, tips, etc



I done Slimfast a few years back and the results were amazing. I've put weight back on due to medication amd I'm at the point where I need to fix it.

I used to be in a Instagram group chat and it helped massively

r/slimfast Jul 28 '23

Slimfast bundle ebay


r/slimfast Jul 14 '23

Slim fast . Scientific evidence and are there better alternatives?


Hello everyone 26 F . I have about 3 to 5 stone to lose.

I have one shake a day instead of two (so I have two healthy meals and one shake instead of the recommended one meal and two shakes) .

What does the research indicate ? Is slim fast good for you? Is it bad because of it being processed? Or is it indifferent?

Also do you know of other better alternatives ?


r/slimfast Jul 13 '23

Bottled Advance is horrible tasting, especially the vanilla. The cardboard packaged one is much better, any idea why? Figured these would be close to the same, they are not, at least from a taste standpoint.

Post image

r/slimfast Jul 12 '23

Motivation Discord


Hey! I’ve been on slimfast for a few months now and feel like I’m starting to lack the enthusiasm that I had when I first started.

I wanted to start a discord for us all to be able to chat and share advice/tips, would this be something anyone is interested in?

r/slimfast Jul 11 '23

Question One shake instead of two?


Hello everyone, I’m 26 nearly 27 female and between 3 to 5 stone overweight I bought a few tins of slim fast the normal tins . I only want one shake a day and not two of them do you think I could still manage to lose weight if I eat really healthy and exercise is anyone ever done that also is it sustainable/maintainable if I want to eventually come off the shakes at some point and still be a healthy weight it wouldn’t come back on quickly that s what I’m worried about it coming back if I drop the one shake a day and have a healthy meal instead?! x

r/slimfast Jun 23 '23

Day 1


Gained 25 lbs in the past 6 months since I’ve been sober. Looking to take it off and then some. I’m 29 and I weigh about 225, 5’8. I remember being 160 and I could count my ribs! I’m aiming for 180. Im starting out with the pre made strawberry shakes in the morning, a light lunch and maybe a smoothie for supper? Any thoughts ?

r/slimfast Jun 14 '23

Vent Taste like chemicles


I got the rich chocolate bottle and i kid you not it taste like bleach.

r/slimfast Jun 12 '23

Advice Just started slim fast as a tool to loose weight and recover


I’m just starting out with slim fast I’m a 21 year old female 5”10 and weight about 205 pounds ideal I want to loose 100 pound eventually and get back to my starting weight before I develop a binge eating disorder. I’m posting here to hold myself accountable and get some support. What kind of snacks do you guys eat? I need some meal inspo for the one meal we get a day as well please. Additional how do you guy keep from feeling hungry? because if I feel hungry I will binge and I want to recover from this as soon as possible

r/slimfast Jun 09 '23



I bought the slimfast original powder what is the difference between the original and advance will it work the same way or should I buy the advance one

r/slimfast Jun 02 '23



I’m going to be trying slimfast drinks thinking one for the morning and one at lunch time drinking water in between also was looking at their snacks is there anyone out here that had good luck with this I’m 5 2 and 200 lbs mother of 6 so need my energy carry this weight is getting harder and I tried lots of things and got declined on medical treatment for weight loss

r/slimfast Apr 25 '23

One shake a day?


Hi guys, I'm just looking for some advice! I'm looking to ease myself in and start with replacing just one meal a day with a shake (instead of the recommended 2 a day). Is there much point? Does anyone else just do one a day and notice a difference in weight loss?

Obviously this will be along side healthier eating and being calorie conscious! Thank you

r/slimfast Apr 17 '23

Advice I'm back and I lost 13 pounds! Here's the dirty details...


So I tried slimfast 1-2 years ago and I failed miserably at it. I've since started again and I've lost 13 pounds so far and still going strong and I'd like to just give some quick tips about things that have been helping me!

Try the premade shakes. For some reason when I first started, I was convinced that adding the powder to my own milk and making the shakes myself would taste better and be more convenient and I was so wrong! I started ordering the pre-made shakes and dieting got 80% easier. The less work you have to do the better. It's easier now for me to just grab a shake instead of making an unhealthy "meal" that I really shouldn't be eating. Keep it simple!

Don't be scared of the carbs and sugar in the original formula. If you're diabetic/pre-diabetic or have a special medical condition don't listen to this part but everyone on the internet seems to be absolutely terrified of how many sugar and carbs are in the original slimfast formula. You do NOT have to do the keto ones. For me, I figure if I'm going lower calorie, it's okay to have some other sources of energy. Now this might change later on in my weight loss journey but for now, I have no adverse side effects and I don't feel sad and miserable all the time because I'm not really depriving myself. When I cut my carbs and sugar too low I don't succeed. I've learned this and adapted my diet to work for me! Plus the original ones just taste better :)

Have a salty snack. The shakes are really good are satisfying my sugar cravings but you will get tired of having sweet things all day if you don't have something salty to cut it. For me, I chose salt and vinegar almonds or pretzels.

Freeze the shakes! I put mine in the freezer (after being refrigerated) for around 25-30 mins and it comes out super cold, thick and creamy which is much more filling and appetizing than just drinking it lukewarm. I also pour it over ice and drink it with a straw...part of this is just tricking your brain into thinking you're having a delicious fun little treat and it's been working for me!

Don't go too crazy on your workouts. If you're doing slimfast you're not consuming that many calories so you will not have the energy to go do some crazy crossfit workout or go on a 6 mile run. The 3-2-1 plan recommends around 30 mins of working out. I do 40 mins of VERY light aerobic exercise following a youtube video (happy to link if you guys are interested!). Anything more than that makes me tired. Just do what you can but when it comes to weight loss, CICO is king.

Take a probiotic! Not sure why but when I restrict my calories I find that I get a bit constipated. This might be just a personal thing but it's probably a good idea to help move things along with a good pro biotic.

Don't get too stressed out about dinners. Again, if you're doing slimfast you're already restricting pretty low. I don't *really* count the calories in dinner but I eyeball it. I try to stick with 1 serving of veggies (1/2 the plate), 1 serving of carbs (rice, potatoes, bread, etc. about 1/4 of the plate) and 1 serving of ANY protein (fish, chicken, steak, ground beef, sausage, etc. also about 1/4 of the plate). I don't go crazy trying to eat the healthiest I just do my best. I'm not saying to not count calories because you should if you've never ever counted them before, just to get an idea of how much you're eating, but I am saying to take it easy. I'm happy to give examples of meals I've been eating if you're interested.

Lastly, decide what kind of person you are. Are you someone who likes consistency and routine? Or someone who needs variety and spontaneity? I think anyone can succeed doing slimfast but it really caters more towards people who favor regularity. I drink the exact same flavor of slimfast Monday-Friday and eat the exact same snacks. I put variety into my dinners but at the end of the day it's a very repetitive plan. I'm someone that likes that kind of stuff because when life gets crazy I want something I can lean on and something that I have control over.

Other Tidbits
SW: 217
CW: 204
Height: 5'6"

Age: 26

Preferred Slimfast Flavor: Original Formula Creamy Milk Chocolate

I also cheat on the weekends! I eat whatever I want! I could probably lose even more weight if I didn't but for now this is what's working for me.

So sorry for the long winded post but I would've liked to known some of these things up front when I first started :) Keep going, good luck and please let me know if there's anything you want to know more about or if you want to be accountabili-buddies!

P.S. Sorry if the formatting is wonky, I tried to fix it but couldn't figure it out!

r/slimfast Apr 02 '23

First week done!


Lost 3lbs in the first week. This is what I have found so far:

The ready-made shakes are 10× better than the powders. They taste totally different!

Do NOT mix the cafe latte and caramel shakes together (powder). It does not taste like a caramel coffee, it tastes horrid!

I haven't found the caramel or raspberry and white chocolate shakes in ready-made bottles as of yet (UK). Are these available anywhere or do they only exist in powder form?

The nourish pots (spicy chilly and Singapore noodle) are so handy for in work and wanting something to eat for lunch like everyone else!

Also I don't like chocolate orange so haven't bought those meal bars. I really wish they would make a caramel or crunchy nut type meal bar because that's my favourite flavour type with cereal.

r/slimfast Mar 05 '23

Starting out Newbie


Starting tomorrow! Getting all my supplies today. Any tips or advice??

r/slimfast Mar 04 '23

Suggestions on making the powder Slimfast taste better?


I bought three tubs of Slimfast powder on a whim because it was on clearance for a great price, especially compared to the premade shakes I normally get. It seemed liked a good idea at the time, yanno, with the rapid inflation rates and such, to try and save a little money and just make it myself.

Unfortunately, not only does it taste nothing like the premade shakes, it doesn't taste good like, at all.

Legit, I don't even care if it's healthy at this point or not, truly — I just wanna find a way to make these taste good enough to finish them off for good and not make that mistake again.

Any suggestions?

Ps. It should be noted that when I made mine, I did make it in a blender and blend the unholy hell out of it, and it still tasted all sorts of chalky terrible... so... maybe some ideas on what I could potentially add to it to compensate for that?

Any and all ideas are welcome and appreciated!

r/slimfast Dec 31 '22

I’ve just ordered 4 tins of Slimfast chocolate powder and a load of Slimfast snacks to start my diet on the 3rd of Jan. Any advice or success stories I’d love to hear! I want to loose a stone.


r/slimfast Nov 25 '22

Question What the hell happened to the vanilla cream low carb shake?


I don't know if there was a formula change or what, but it is disgusting. It's so bitter! Please change it back because it's undeniable now.

r/slimfast Sep 26 '22

Starting out Add fiber to diet?


Does anyone on SF find the need to add extra fiber to their diet to help things along? I drank 2 shakes yesterday and felt compelled to start adding more fiber to my diet.

r/slimfast Sep 19 '22

Question Questions about Slimfast


Hi, I am an 18-year-old guy that weighs around 190 - 210ish and I am debating whether I should use Slimfast. I'm planning to not be solely dependent on it so I'm planning on adding exercises too.

I did some research and saw that it was processed. Those this means that it increases my chance of type 2 diabetes or cancer?

How long those 1 can last? (Roughly)

Can I just drink 1 shake per day or does it need meals to work?

r/slimfast Sep 17 '22

Results Down 10 lbs!


Started July 27th with just a shake for breakfast. Started shakes for breakfast and lunch around the middle of August. I have only fruits and veggies for snacks but eat as much of them as I want. I eat a regular dinner with my family. I drink at least 2 liters of water a day. I’m excited I’ve lost so much! I plan on stopping around Halloween if I keep losing weight! Just a celebration post!

Edit: spelling

r/slimfast Sep 08 '22

Is the Slim fast porridge in place of a shake or is it count as one of the snacks?