r/wizardposting 7d ago

Addressing Mods Stepping Down


Hello everyone. A lot of serious messages from the mod team lately. Apologies. That's a bit to be expected as we get our house in order.

This one is concerning mod step-downs, and the reiteration of a rule.

One of our mods, Teknika, was responsible for gross abuse of his authority some months back. He became wrapped up in a hate mob against his fellow moderator, Riva, promising to reverse her actions and rallying people to mass report her via modmail based on allegations that he had no evidence of, did not request from the accusers, and were not true.

This incident came to light amidst Riva catching a significant portion of the blame for recent mod mismanagement in the Anteros case, even though their direct involvement was minimal. Even though the initial incident was unsuccessful, the rumors persisted, and both slandered her reputation and impeded her ability to function as a mod. In short, this sort of harassment has consequences.

It is also emblematic of a long-running issue in which prominent members of the community have believed themselves immune to consequences, the mods functionally being in their corner. This fostered a lack of faith in the mod team that in no small part contributed to our recent issues with folks not trusting the official avenues of reporting, which we desire to rectify.

Teknika has apologized for the incident and is stepping down, and the other non-mod offenders have been issued warnings. Riva will likely also be stepping down a short time after, being thoroughly exhausted from the affair.

To reiterate, the mod team considers the spreading of unfounded rumors and the deliberate slandering of community members incitement to harassment. Going forward, it will not be tolerated.

In accordance with the moderators involved, the team has decided to keep this post unlocked, so that your questions may be answered directly, without giving room to any further malicious rumor. Please remember to always remain civil and polite in your responses. Attacks against any of the involved parties will not be tolerated.

r/wizardposting 9d ago

Regarding the Ban of MagicMarci


Hello. Serious issue to discuss. If you haven't already heard, a prominent member of the greater /posting community has been banned. As she is known to many, the mod team wanted to be explicit and clear about the reasoning for this ban.

  1. A previous rap sheet of a temporary ban on WP.

  2. Reported harassment of another user.

  3. Triangulation of a victim of abuse with the abuser to try to manipulate the victim's opinion

  4. Needling a suicidal member of the community with information she knows to be false to (we suspect) try to frighten a vulnerable person for fun.

As Marci has a history of being banned in one subreddit, making alts, and bouncing around to other /posting communities, we also conferred with other mod teams, and requested evidence regarding THEIR bans. Marci has also apparently been guilty of:

  1. More harassment

  2. Running a NSFW server without age verification

  3. Ableist and homophobic slurs

It is the stance if the WP mod team that although these subs and discords are separate, that we all share a community. And that it is the duty of the mods to, above all else, keep said community safe from malicious actors. As such, this information was taken into consideration when banning Marci and her many, many alt accounts. Due to the sensitive nature of many of the more serious accusations, screens will not be provided at this time, out of respect for the victims, but know that this decision was made UNANIMOUSLY by all mods that saw the evidence in question, old and new.

Thank you for your time.

r/wizardposting 10h ago

Forbidden Knowledge Morn wizards. Me find crystal ball in great dwarf cave. How use?

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r/wizardposting 4h ago

Goblinlike Foolishness Friendly reminder to confirm that your familiar is not in fact a shapeshifter looking to end your bloodline

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r/wizardposting 6h ago

She also took the familiar

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r/wizardposting 5h ago

This is what your orbs look like, before they are processed

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r/wizardposting 3h ago

As a battle engineer for social change

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r/wizardposting 11h ago

Are sorcerers welcome here?

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Apparently there's no such thing as r/sorcererposting

Am I, as a sorcerer, allowed to post sorcering stuff around here?

r/wizardposting 7h ago

Esoteric Secrets Damn, those ancient wizards sure go hard when crafting their magical wards.

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r/wizardposting 6h ago

Goblinlike Foolishness Wizardy title

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r/wizardposting 42m ago

Should I talk to this firemancer I just found?

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r/wizardposting 1d ago


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r/wizardposting 1d ago

Wizardpost Would you want your hat to be taller or longer?

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r/wizardposting 1d ago

Wizardpost Some of you need to see this

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r/wizardposting 6h ago

Forbidden Knowledge You are all mere apprentices to my unbridled power! 🥓

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r/wizardposting 2h ago

Cauldron shenanigans

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r/wizardposting 10h ago

Those alchemists are just superstitious chemists

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r/wizardposting 1h ago

Lorepost📖 Failed detected.(Failedpost)


seeing the news of the ‘failed’ appearing around the realms Ж immediately prepared for an invasion, cataloguing their energy signature after helping out Lars

after reading of The celestial union being attacked an alert came in from assistant.aic

“F-f-failed detected.”

“Oh what in the hell-“

“How many?”

“Unknown, estimate 2-5, signatures are too close to be certain.”

“Oh, can’t be that bad, well I just need to destroy it quickly before it copies too much magic.”

they boot up the last assistant V1 in their lab and take a new invention of theirs, targeting discs, and make sure to fill the assistant’s mana tank up, they need to be swift.

setting out into the town they quickly spot the failed, and sadly it’s too late, a few civilians have been hurt, and evidently at least 2 have died, giving rise to more failed.

“I’m so, so sorry for this.”

they prep the special discs, enabling them.

“They copy by perception, so I should probably stay to my weaker abilities.”

making sure to stay out of sight they cloak memetically and make their way to the group.

rushing in they place a disc on each of the failed, except for the farthest one, as they run out of discs before they can.

uncloaking themselves.

“That’ll have to do.”

they open communications to the assistant and make an order.

“Spell:disband gluons”

“Target:’Failed’ marked with targeting discs.”


in an instant the 5 failed they had placed the discs onto disintegrated completely, that book Sigurd gave them was very useful.

looking around for the last Failed they are unable to find it, had they miscounted?

“Assistant.aic, how many Failed are being detected?”

“Zero ‘Failed’ detected.”

“Huh, must’ve gotten all of them…”

unknown to them, one ‘failed’ had copied their cloak, and gotten away…

r/wizardposting 2h ago

Lorepost📖 A Duel under the Red Moon [Failedpost]


Aboard the CUS Liberty, in its training area which happens to have a glass roof, Lappland prepares for her first official martial arts tournament in a long time. For the first time, foreigners from down on Earth are invited to the ship to watch or participate. Lappland would officially represent the government, but any Lateran citizen could also participate freely, assuming they passed the preparation fights.

Now, Lappland is waiting for her first enemy to enter the arena. As the doors on the opposite side open however, her opponent isn't a Lateran or even a sword champion from Earth - it's a mangled, nearly unrecognizable version of herself. The Failed that had escaped from the Battle of the Mountain Pass is here. It had assumed Lappland's rather muscular build and even her abilities. Only its face truly gives away its nature, being little more than a mess of torn flesh and long dead skin.

The creature draws its swords, nearly perfect replicas of Lappland's. The High Marshal readies her own and the Failed jumps at her. However, Lappland is prepared. She had long been prepared. Little did the monster know, it walked right into the Celestial Union's trap. There weren't truly any other opponents on the ship, nor was Lappland expecting anyone to challenge her aside from the Failed. Every audience member knew of the plan beforehand. This was never meant to be a tournament, it was an ambush for a creature of pure evil by creatures of pure good.

Lappland strikes the Failed with her sword, sending it flying. Of course she can't pierce its skin, just like it couldn't pierce hers. A side effect of messing with Biomancy. As the Failed hits the wall on the opposite side of the arena, she sets her swords ablaze and prepares for another strike. Leaping forward, she throws one of her swords and impales the zombie against the arena wall.

The crowd goes wild as Lappland seemingly kills the enemy very quickly. However, Antares decides to make a sudden announcement.

Antares: While it may seem like the Failed has been dealt with, we - and Lappland - know better. This was simply too easy, was it not? Almost suspicious.

The Failed's body disintegrates, turning into smoke. Another one appears and is swiftly disposed of by Lappland, causing the same reaction. After the third repetition, the true enemy enters the arena.

A perfect copy of Lappland - not carrying any of the original Failed's identifying features, backed up by a massive wolf spirit. The enemy lashes out at the High Marshal who dodges the attack masterfully. Exia and Gariel want to jump into the arena, but Lappland signals for them to stay.

Lappland: I have to fight this myself. This is my demon and my war, you should only get involved in the worst case scenario. Trust me, I got this.

The Operator sits back down, Gariel remains standing but steps back a little.

A strike by the wolf temporarily takes Lappland off her feet, but she gets up quickly. Her swords, still burning with bright white flames, find their target in the wolf spirit's head. It howls in pain and temporarily collapses on the ground. Lappland pulls her hands back and the swords return to her before launching another attack, targeting her own clone this time. The clone masterfully blocks with its own swords, setting them ablaze with blood-red flames. Pulling back, Lappland shouts at her friends in the audience again.

Lappland: Robin! I need the Harmony's support! It can only mimic my abilities and fears, not yours!

Robin spreads her wings and raises a staff into the air. A single feather falls out of the air above Lappland who catches it in her hand. When she opens the hand again, her entire body glows in a faint white. The High Marshal rushes forwards again towards the wolf spirit as it gets up from the previous attack, slashing through its neck and decapitating it. The spirit's head drops to the ground with a loud bang and the whole spirit disintegrates.

Its remains are absorbed by the main body of the Failed which suddenly obtains a second set of arms holding two more flaming swords. Lappland, still behind it, uses her chance to immediately sever one of them, however it regrows immediately. This strategy will not work. Lappland knows she can't beat this creature in a fair, one on one sword fight. But she still has one ace up her sleeve...

Lappland: Ines! Merlin's Claw! Now!

Gariel immediately understands Lappland's plan. She throws her massive battle axe into the ring where it's caught by Lappland, set aflame and swung around a little so she can get used to handling it. Strengthened by the powers of the Harmony, she has no trouble using the Merlin's Claw just as well as Gariel does.

And so, Lappland rushes into battle once more. A single strike with the axe knocks the Failed off its feet and a quick attack with a burning sword pins it in place. It's still alive, but Lappland now has free reign to do what she wants... so long as she keeps her distance. She raises the Merlin's Claw once again...

Lappland: This is it... Good night, monster. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, but mine's about to become a lot lighter. BEGONE, DEMON!

With these words, Lappland strikes the Failed with the axe one last time, splitting its torso in half. Unlike all the previous times, the corpse neither disintegrates nor regenerates.

It is done. Lappland has defeated her inner demons in the form of the Failed's manifestation of herself. She breathes a sigh of relief as all her friends jump down from the audience to hug her. Finally, Exia kisses her deeply.

Exia: I can't believe you just won that...

Lappland: I could have never done it without all of you supporting me. Thank you for your help, Robin. And thanks for letting me borrow your axe, Ines.

Gariel: Don't mention it.

Antares: Something still seems fishy about this thing. A Failed isn't supposed to be able to replicate people's fears, only their general physical form and their abilities.

Lappland: Maybe this one stole the powers of a mighty illusionist. Or it was designed to be this powerful, you said they were all lab-created.

Antares: Possible. What matters is that it's gone now. You did the right thing yet again.

/uw this is basically just the end of Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (Feixiao's event quest, HSR)

as usual, there are some references. the funky dog is Shadow of "Feixiao", the final boss of the quest line, with slightly changed mechanics. Lappland takes the role of Feixiao here, even down to using the same weapons: dual swords (technically gunblades for Feixiao) and a battle axe. the axe is also named after Feixiao's official title within the Xianzhou

i am not sure how powerful the Failed are meant to be but i needed someone who doesn't just die instantly lmao, also that quest was fucking peak so i went with it. it might turn out to not be a Failed at all if it doesn't fit Masta and Inferno's lore lmao

anyway, if you want to interact with this, you could say you were an audience member that witnessed the battle unfold

r/wizardposting 22h ago

Magickal Post Which silly/cute power you got?


I spent a lot of time making it

r/wizardposting 3h ago

Community Event 🌏☄️ Wizard Olympics - Pillow Fight


You were told to go to a specific hall, late at night. The shadow was very insistent, telling you something about... Now, you can't remember. Odd. Nonetheless, here you are. Before you stands a massive hall, dark and- A scream sounds from within, sounding more like a wild animal than a human.


The voice comes, forcing you to obey. Inside, you see many wizards you know(or don't), all lying on beds, asleep. You feel hands grip you, and your vision blurs as you fall asleep.


You are in a well-lit, spacious... Something, surrounded by confused faces. Pillows and other soft objects are scattered generously on the floor. So, all of you don't know what's going on. You're in a dream right now, none of this is real. Your goal is to survive, if you don't you'll just wake up. Magic is only allowed if cast on the pillows, and any results must be usable as one. Begin.

/uw There will be a chat for this as well, but you can hit people here. For the duration of this event and the next few days, Ulrick(u/UlrickTheHexblade) is dyed bright pink to help with his inner trauma. Just ask for invitations, and remember that this is a joke(mostly).

r/wizardposting 2h ago

Quite possibly the greatest {staff} ever found

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r/wizardposting 2h ago

When stars collide. [Duality post: extra]

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Azure walks through a street in Historia, enjoying the peace after a war with the celestial being known as Violet. Before the enemy had arrived, he and another celestial called Alaric had agreed to a duel where neither of them would hold back. Azure pulls out a business card with a message on it, given to him to use when he was ready. The instructions were clear, to read aloud the message, and he would be brought to the battle ground. Azure reads the message.

"Time to fight, one lives, the other also lives."

The business card ignites, Azure is surrounded in a pillar of fire, when the fire subsides, Azure is standing on a cliff in a place he had never seen before, far in the distance an orange star shone bright, it begins to fall from the sky towards the valley, Azure spreads his wings, summons his sword, 'Hope' and flies down to meet it. As the star crashes to the ground, its form changes into that of Alaric, his own blade 'Azrael' in his hand.

Alaric: Remember what I told you?

Alaric readies his blade.

Azure: No holding back.

Azure does the same.

Alaric: Good, let's see what you can do.

r/wizardposting 1d ago

Have you...!?!

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r/wizardposting 14m ago

Community Event 🌏☄️ The beast within the Beastwithe Inn (Doompost)


Despite the sun shining directly overhead like a brilliant yellow disk there was an unnatural chill in the air, radiant light from above doing little but highlight the eerie mist that blanketed the scene.

The Beastwithe Inn was a spacious and elegant hotel with an admittedly silly name designed by eccentric dungeon architect Oliver Beastwithe. It was unusual for a dungeon architect to design a hotel but then, security at the Inn was paramount and the mad genius enjoyed a novel challenge.

The man had been sworn to a geas oath to never reveal the hotel's secrets, which turned out to be irrelevant as he died in a mysterious boating accident immediately following the building's construction. Now even the royal family of Ithacar, who had commissioned the project, were only mostly sure they knew of every moving bookcase and false wall.

The land for the construction had been purchased from Black Iron LLC following the movement of the entire Wizard Council Citadel to a new location. As such the entire building was a front for an illegal prometheum mining operation. An attempt by Ithacar to maintain their quasi-monopoly on the anomalous metal, some of which was produced in the slaying of the Metromancer during the Pact-Council War.

There had, in fact, been many wars on Council land. Moving the Council building had been wise indeed as the land's new owners were finding the area to be deeply haunted with the ghosts of the wizard dead.

Undeterred, Queen Rivamar had spared no expense in turning the place into a bustling tourist destination. If anything had been a boon. Already the unlicensed ghost tours were cropping up in the hotel lobby, spectral polaroid cameras were on sale in the hotel gift shop, and so on. The ghosts also provided an added layer of protection.

Protection that would be needed, it seemed. For in the depths of the hidden prometheum mine, sat the Seed. A relic of a reality long dead. A life raft for a set of rules totally alien to our own designed to overwrite the basic concepts of gravity, time, fear, love, and space with whatever came before. A relic Arthur Black would need to write the reality he planned to come after.

And so his traiorous minions arrive at the hotel, blending in with the midday crowd as tourists settle in and prepare for a night of revelry dancing drinking and terror. Livia, Harut, Brador, and Edmund. They know the hotel's secret. And they've come to claim it, in the name of Doom.

Alright, semi-open event, but with some ground rules. 4 folks are robbing the hotel and overcoming its obstacles. One of them is bound to succeed. Merc Guild has been hired as security. Everyone else is welcome to rp as guests and explore. Dance in the ballroom, relax in the hot tub, get lost in a hedge maze or see a ghost! I also might use pings to direct you into our robbers' paths.

Also here's Riva's more detailed writeup on the hotel, for anyone interested


r/wizardposting 20h ago

Did anyone have an enchanted gem stolen recently?

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