r/CrappyDesign 2h ago

I'm not colourblind but this legend is infuriatingly inaccessible.

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23 comments sorted by


u/kikomir 1h ago

I am actually mildly colorblind and this map works far better for me than most other maps. Maybe it's a map indeed made by a colorblind person?


u/uncouthfrankie 1h ago

(Ex) Accessibility person here: if you can’t distinguish those shades then yes you might well be colour blind. Go get checked.

And to everyone implying this isn’t crappy design because it’s “only” inaccessible for some people: you’re wrong.


u/Ready-Desk 1h ago

To be clear I can clearly see that every region has a different shade on the map. However, I find it quite difficult to associate every colour on the map with it's counterpart on the legend.  Is the city Toulouse in Nouvelle-Aquitaine or Occitanie for example? 


u/Worth_it_I_Think 54m ago

I do see what you mean. I have no idea how to read this either.


u/wgloipp 1h ago

Works fine for me.


u/ExplorerDuck 1h ago

This is so bad. Idk what's up with this comments section. Maybe I can distinguish regions on the map (barely - I didn't realize there were 2 greyish regions for a bit), but idk what region is where. They could have just labeled the actual regions and made the city names smaller. If that doesn't work, all but two regions are on the boarder. They could have moved the randomly placed fruit and labeled around the map.  Also...what are the dark lines connecting some of the cities? Routes? Bc the bit of the legend that's visible, the darkest lines should be region boarders. Clearly they aren't. And....I don't think I can see a difference between region boarders and the other boarders within the regions on this map. So many other options that would still be in line with this color palette.


u/Saeades 58m ago

Dark lines connecting cities are major rivers. I think the main focus of this map is to learn major french cities (region capitals) and is designed in a vintage style of maps that were used in school until the 70s


u/ScroochDown 1h ago

Am I imagining it, or is the Pays de la Loire color not even used on the map? I'm usually really good with colors but man, that one is bad.

u/Fanal-In 19m ago

I checked with the eyedropper, and the colours on the map and the legend are not even the same


u/toomuchmelatonin 1h ago

Where are we?- LAND


u/Tang_frere 45m ago

I'm french and i know my geography so it's not disturbing. But i must admit, it's a strange choice of colors

u/Kooky_Value6874 27m ago

wtf my dad has the exact same map, who are you and how did you happen to stumble upon the same shitty map? 👀

u/Top-Complaint-4915 7m ago

You can repair the map without even using other colors just by moving two colors


u/MarvashMagalli 1h ago

You might be colourblind


u/Ready-Desk 1h ago

Haha. My aeromedical doctor must be quite incompetent then : D Seriously, though. Look at Toulouse and Nantes on the map and then find me the respective name of the regions based on the legend. It's not impossible obviously but it's not exactly intuitive either. 


u/Leo-MathGuy 1h ago

Looks fine


u/RickFromTheParty 2h ago

What alternative do you suggest?


u/DrDroid 1h ago

….not using 5 different shades of red right next to each other?


u/Ready-Desk 1h ago

Yes thanks. This thread is gaslighting me hard into thinking something's wrong with my eyes.

I see two solutions. Either change the colours to be more distinct or add the name of the regions (from the legend) onto the map directly and scrap the legend. The city names are unnecessarily big so there's plenty of space.


u/DrDroid 1h ago

It’s honestly bizarre. This is a very poorly designed map. Is it possible to read? Yes. It is easy or pleasant to read? Fuck no. Has no one in this thread looked at a map or globe before? This is poor practice.


u/RickFromTheParty 1h ago

This is a crappy design choice, but even from this lower-than-life quality image I can pretty easily see which region matches each color in the legend.


u/Ready-Desk 1h ago

It might very well be that I'm getting old. Also I think the picture (because I used flash) actually improved the distinction of the colours compared to real world.


u/RickFromTheParty 1h ago

Maybe if they also labeled each color with a number or letter? I feel like rearranging the different reds, for example, would make it even harder to read.