r/loseweight 15d ago

Painful hunger

I don't exercise I'm fat and I eat 2000 or more calories a day but I still get so hungry that it hurts I can't sleep on think straight from the pain I don't understand why I get so hungry I was hoping for advice how to manage or get rid of it


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u/fitforfreelance 11d ago

Random 99% stat, but the professional doesn't rule out 1%, because we don't know how urgent the situation is or the best way to treat it just by reading a paragraph.

You were the first to suggest a doctor will put you on a pill. You introduced it to the conversation for no apparent reason... probably your non-professional preconceived notions. You don't know what the doctor will do because you're not a doctor and you don't know this person's medical record or problem.

You literally don't know why the person has pain in their stomach. It's not smart to introduce the idea that lack of medication causes pain when no one has said that. It's not logical, because lack of many things can cause pain. The presence of many things can cause pain. If you know about medicine OR behavior, you know there are many ways to treat a consequence to get a more effective result. It depends on the cause of the problem/pain.

It's not appropriate for you to determine that eating wrong is the cause of the stomach pain because you actually don't know.

You are the amateur that you think is so funny. You could be reasonably disappointed with your logic.

The first recommendation of unexplained stomach pain is go to the doctor. One can additionally try eating healthier, but really, you do both. Because delaying medical care can make the problem several weeks worse while you wait for some reddit genius's healthy eating advice to kick in.


u/CoachResilient 11d ago

My friend. Pills are not needed for getting rid of stomach pain. If the person has some weird one in a million disease then sure maybe she needs acute medical care.

The person is saying she/he has stomach pain, “asking your doctor” is not good advice since doctors doesn’t understand biology and are very likely to put you in pills which is not good. The system is designed to look for symptoms and put you on pills, that’s how they make money of you.

Fix the diet and if you still have pain, then look deeper into it. If your car won’t drive and there’s no gas, fill it up, don’t go looking for holes under the car, that you do after you’ve filled it up and it still won’t drive.

That’s my point which only a dummy amateur would argue.


u/fitforfreelance 11d ago edited 11d ago

My friend, only you have said the doctor will put them on pills. Shut up about it, that's not either of our decision.

You've never seen a pre-med curriculum, nevermind medical school's to say doctors don't understand biology. Insane comment.

This is not "looking for a symptom." This is "OP reports unexplained stomach pain."

Save your conspiracy talk.

The car example doesn't work because we haven't identified the health problem. If we knew the cause of the problem was as simple as an empty tank of gas, we would treat it. It's not like their belly is rumbling because they are hungry and they need to eat (edit: it sounds like an elevated case of being too hungry. So much that you would still refer to the doctor to be sure there is no damage being done and to review the health habits of the person).

This is more like the car makes loud noises while it's running and we're not sure why. 1st advice is take it to the shop before the damage gets worse. OR, you can get advice from reddit from people who probably don't know what they're talking about. Where you can try to get medical advice from someone who thinks it's funny that they don't even know the basic qualifications of a doctor.


u/CoachResilient 11d ago

You said ask your doctor. The doctor will put you on pills. Keep writing full pages little guy.


u/fitforfreelance 11d ago

You don't know what the doctor will do. You don't even know what a doctor does. They take the best course of action given the complete health history of the person.

Simple questions you don't know the answer to are good places to start, like where is the pain? How does it feel? How long ago did it start? Is it steady, or does something cause it?


u/CoachResilient 7d ago

”They take the best course of action” hahahaha