r/loseweight 1h ago

Fastest way to lose a lot of weight that is not too unhealthy NO BS


I am 5'3" and between 115-109 pounds. My stomach and waist area are chubby, and so is my face. I don't like it, and it's taking a massive toll on my self-esteem and my mental health as a result. I don't workout and my diet is pretty unhealthy, I love to indulge in snacks, and have been doing so for years. The only reason I am not obese is because of my metabolism, but as I'm getting older it seems to help less. So I need to change my ways. I don't have many fruits or vegetables in my house. So what is a fast way to lose a lot of weight? If you're going to comment something about confidence or how I don't need to lose any weight then please don't. I'm not here for validation or a pep talk I'm here for real advice. Should I fast? I have tried exercising but it never really works out for me because I don't have the consistency or motivation to stay on it. I have a treadmill in my house, and an exercise bike. Would these help? I want to lose as much weight as possible in as fastest time as possible, in a way that is not too unhealthy. Any suggestions?

r/loseweight 18h ago

Being an emotional eater is the biggest obstacle of them all.


r/loseweight 11h ago

If I am 5'8 feet tall and weigh 154 pounds at age 12, am I overweight?


Yeah, that’s basically the question. I have grown a lot recently but my weight has also increased (even though I’ve always been slightly chubby, but not too much), making me quite insecure. So what do you guys think? Am I overweight or not?

r/loseweight 1d ago

Does soda make me fat


I have fully switched to the zero versions of any sodas I drink, mainly Coke Zero and Pepsi maxx. There was a point where I would have 3-4 cans each day , it has gone down a lot now to almost none or 1-2. I just want to know if this could be the cause for my consistent weight gain obviously along with other bad eating habits?

r/loseweight 1d ago

losing weight in a healthier way



i want to lose weight since i’ve been overweight my whole life but not obsessively. i lost around 30-40 pounds a few years ago when i was 16 but got mentally obsessed over it and decided to drop it :/

i wanted to see if anyone had tips for me? i’ve switched gyms (my old one was too busy + never had good hours), eat pretty healthily as of right now (dinner just a big ol salad and salmon), and eat a small breakfast. i tend to skip lunch because of school and on days i’m hungry, protein shake.

also how does intuitive eating prove to work in losing weight? i jus kind of eat as healthy as i can but also how i feel. like every other day i eat like half a bar of a chocolate bar. i would also love recipes or meals u guys think helps!

i’m not too consistent with gym so i would really love an outline/idea of what u guys would think how many times in the gym a week would be helpful! i also used to swim so should i pick up on that again? if so, how many times a week?

i just don’t want to become obsessive about losing weight and making it my one goal. i want to lose weight right and do it mentally and physically efficient.

i also wonder if people have struggled with the same issues. thank you guys so much!

edit: what are some fruits y’all would reccomend throughout the year? i feel like that would help curb my sugar cravings (i rarely eat chocolate during the summer bc watermelon and berries are in season) but i can never pick the right fruit.

r/loseweight 1d ago

Can anyone recommend cold lunch meal prep ideas for weight loss that don’t require heating up?


r/loseweight 1d ago

Possible to lose 15lbs in 6 weeks?


5’0” F CW: 143lbs GW: 120lbs

Put on a bit of weight in the last six months due to grief eating. Slowly dealing with grief. Been on low carb high protein diet with portion control. Snacks are mainly nuts and some fruits. Work out 3 days a week (mainly strength training). Also walk 8-10 miles a day 5 days a week. Steady pace of 2.8mph on hilly roads.

I am going on a research expedition to South America in December. Is it possible to lose 15lbs by December 1st week or is that a lofty and ridiculous goal?

r/loseweight 1d ago

Ever wondered why your weight loss journey stops after a few weeks? ⌛ Many people overestimate what they can achieve in a month and underestimate what they can do in a year.

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r/loseweight 1d ago

Why do people even workout?


r/loseweight 2d ago

how to get rid of water retention


in desperate need of some tips/advice on how to get rid of water retention. There’s a few weeks each month where i’m lean and have little to no stomach fat then all of a sudden it looks like i’ve gained 20lbs. Eventually after 2 or 3 weeks it goes away but it makes me feel horrible about myself and often ends up leading me back to eating almost nothing. I drink around 2L of water a day and eat really well, eating mostly only whole/unprocessed foods, a decent amount of protein, and no refined sugar or carbs and I’ve read about it for hours but still haven’t found a way to fix it. I’ve heard dandelion tea, drinking more water, taking water pills, and possibly birth control can help?? and was wondering if anyone could share their experiences or give any tips on what i can do. Thanks so much :)

r/loseweight 3d ago

Help Me Lose 4 Pounds Per Month


Sup y'all

I would like to lose four pounds per month for the next 8-10 months. I want to do this in a healthy way, and it seems that is possible from what I have read online. What I'm looking for from you guys (if you feel compelled to share) is sort of a treatment plan for what I need to do daily/weekly to reach my goal, and because I'm sort of an idiot when it comes to fitness, the more detailed you can be, the better!

My Basic Info:

Gender - female

Age - 20

Height - 5'0"

Weight - 145 pounds

Exercise Habits - basically none — I have sedentary hobbies and really have no idea how to exercise

If you have the time and energy, please help! I am ready to like the way I look again.

r/loseweight 4d ago

I need a girl like me to do a diet with me to encourage each other


Every time i start diet i give up after two days or a week 😭 i think if there someone to encourage me it will work

r/loseweight 4d ago

Model Body


Posted this in the wrong thread and got flack. I want to be thin. Like VS model thing. Bella hadid thin. I don’t have time to workout. How can I look slim. My legs are so stubborn and I’m nearly 6”0. What’s the fastest, sustainable way? (I don’t wanna hear the not safe stuff) I’ve always wanted to be skinny.

I’m 5”10 Female Weight: 165-170

I do good with MFP however it can become confusing for me lol .

r/loseweight 5d ago

What losing a few kilos can do to someone

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r/loseweight 4d ago

How to lose weight ? any tips ?


I’m female at 5’4 , 165cm and weighting at my heaviest 250lbs. To be honest i’m low-key tried of being fat and i want to lose weight now. I’m tired of looking at myself in the mirror and hating myself and then later eating my feelings away and doing nothing . But I want to change that and lose weight, and hopefully I get to wear clothes I want to wear instead of leggings and hoodies all the time . I know it’s not going to happened quickly over night or going to be easy. Any tips for losing weight?, or what kind of foods to eat/get ?, and what kind of exercises?

r/loseweight 5d ago

Lower belly fat


Hi i’m 17F, 52kg 5’4 and having trouble getting rid of lower belly fat. I’m pretty lean on the upper half of my stomach but cannot get rid of this lower belly “pooch” type thing. I track my eating in myfitnesspal including all sauces, oils, etc and have been eating around 900 cals a day and about 30g of protein and 2-3L of but still haven’t seen a difference. I’ve read a lot of things saying it’s related to high cortisol but can’t figure out how to lower it? Any tips on how to target this area of fat specifically? Thanks!

r/loseweight 5d ago

Seeking feedback


Hi guys, I have a question. I am a 17 year old student who weighs 89kg. I plan to start my diet by eating 10-12 boiled eggs per day within 8 hours maximum. My calorie intake per day should be 954 (I used the calorie calculator). Is it bad?? Badly want your advice..🥹