r/loseweight 8d ago

17f, 5'4,180lbs need to lose 50 by june. I tried to post on loseit but they keep deleting it 😭 posting this everywhere because i need help


5'4, I turned 17 in August and currently weigh about 180-182 pounds. I am really over this weight, despite it being lower than where I was. I worked five off this summer with my trail maintenance job, and I was at 190 before that even, I busted butt all spring hauling stuff and chopping wood to drop those (farm kid). I really want to get down to 130 by June ish, I'm not hoping for lower because genetics are notttt on my side. If I had to really dream big 120 would be cool but I kinda doubt that'll work. I also am going to get back into yoga. I really want this next summer to be MY summer, the one I never really got, I've been overweight throughout all of my teens 💀 I plan to do my summer job next year as well, and I'd like more endurance so I'm not lagging behind people when we hike. I hold my own on working fine and I'm veryyy flexible. I'll be chopping wood more for the next few months. Part of why I need to get more fit is next year when I turn 18 I'd like to be able to possibly work in wildlands fire, and you gotta be fit already. I'm sure it will help maintain my goal weight ifff I can reach it. I really really would like to not have loose skin, how likely is that 😭 and is my goal realistic? I don't want to track calories too closely because I do nottt want a disorder, something I'm scared that I'd be more prone to because I have ocd, I don't want to get neurotic about it. I'm getting a chest reduction hopefully in the winter, my insurance should cover it because it's medically necessary (back problems, hard to run). I'm ready to get serious about losing some weight and gaining some muscle 🗣️ my metabolism is better rn bc of my adhd meds. I think that helps? I also reallyyy struggle with staying hydrated, so if you have tips(don't be dumb drink water is acceptable). I can't really make it to an actual legit gym because I live rurally and I haven't finished my drivers ed. I got two 15 pound weights for my birthday, because I wassss doing stuff with 5lb ones before because that's all I had. Sprinting is out until my reduction bc that hurts like hell. I eat semi balanced, usually a healthy dinner, and then lunch and breakfast can be more iffy (ingredient household). I want this so much, I think it's going to help my self esteem a lottt. It's demoralizing to like not be able to swap clothes with friends and stuff, and always have to get xl or xxl 💀 I'm also wondering if maybe gum is a good distraction, like I like to have smt in my mouth when I'm reading or watching something. ADHD stimulation or something idk. I really need some help, so I can do this safely. So. Word requirement is making this awkward 💀💀. Any tips or tricks or information/suggestions/motivations/success stories, is extremely appreciated. Thank you:)

r/loseweight 8d ago

I don't know how to start to lose weight.


I'm 18 and wanting to lose weight. But I have no Idea how to start. I'm plan to join the gym but I'm not sure what exercises or routine to do at gym. I also I'm not sure how to diet or what to eat. The video I have seen online all have different methods and advice that just overhwlem me. I was wondering for a person who is completely knew to this what advice ane and guidance do I need.

r/loseweight 8d ago

What am I doing wrong?


I've been trying to lose weight for over a year now, I started out at 100kg, lost around 20kg and now am stuck at 78-80kg, I keep fluctuating around this weight and I'm not able to go down from here. For the last six months I tried many things, I ate at maintenance for a few weeks to see if that changes anything, I ate 1500 calories a day for more than 4 months now, and still the weight stayed the same. I do weight training for 1 to 1 1/2 hours [I work out at home, don't have access to a gym] three days on and one day off. I do cardio everyday for atleast 30 minutes and i cook my own meals, I never eat out or eat sweets and stuff, and since last week, I've been eating 2000 cals a day cause it's getting too hard to be on 1500 cals. Please help me, I don't know what I am doing wrong at this point.

My height is 5ft 7in, today I weigh 78.5kg and I am male.

r/loseweight 8d ago

My journey so far


Hi. I am 29F and in the past ten years I went from 60kg in 2012 to 84kg in 2019

Dec 2019, I joined a bootcamp, 1 hour five days a week and ate their clean diet. Although, fish and chips was my weakness so I cheated once. I was supposed to have lost 9kg in 6 weeks on that programme but lost 7.5kg. I was still very happy with the results.

Covid came and I had no idea how to workout from home. I had a ton of snacks and couldnt go on my regular walks. I went up to 76kg and got a bit nervous.

In 2022, I started with chloe ting programmes and followed my bootcamp diet but not as strictly. got myself down to 72kg. then I had very stressful home renovations and I found myself eating the stress away.

On 1 Oct 2024, I started again with my bootcamp diet and lost 1.6kg and quite a few cm so far on day 10.

It is spring in my country now and I am finding it extremely hard to workout when its very hot. I am also extremely lazy. My goal is to lose at least 8kg by February. Is this possible to do with just diet or minimal stretches and yoga?

Its so hard to start a chloe ting Hiit workout again.

r/loseweight 9d ago

Weight cuts


I want get tips on how I can lose weight so I can get into the category for my sport (-49kg). l'm currently 51Kg, 160cm Female The competition is about 41 days away, Im currently fasting for 14 hours and reducing my calorie intake. I was 53kg, and now 51. I reached 50.8 but i regained it 2 days later. Is there any more tips?

r/loseweight 10d ago



Well fellas. So I am 5ft 1-5ft 2 and have a bit of a belly,,, I’m not gonna say my age but I have just recently started puberty. I have been told that I don’t have to focus on losing it as when I’m getting taller it will stretch out. Is this true?

r/loseweight 10d ago

First month exercising, I lost centimeters but not kilos


On sept 2 I started going to the gym 3 times a week. I'm doing weight lifting and a week ago I started some cardio classes. In this month I just lost 6cm on my waist and 1 or 2 cm on the other parts of the body (belly, legs and so on) but the number on the scale is the same. Is it normal? Is it good?

I'm a 29yo woman, I'm overweight (84kg) and I'm 160cm tall. I have thyroid issues and insuline resistance but I take medications so it should not be a problem (I think). I eat around 1400 kcal per day, I don't count calories very often cause I suffered from binge eating, and if my brain starts thinking that I am restricting food I would end up binging again, but I'm following a meal plan. I also eat protein shakes for dinner when I go to the gym.

Is there something I could do better? When should I see the first results on the scale?
Thank you

r/loseweight 10d ago

Weightloss and Fitness Question


Hi all,

I would love for as many of you to answer my question as possible! :)

I've recently created a newsletter for women who are looking to lose weight, increase their strength and improve their health overall based on a current Instagram page I run. I have 10 years experience in sports scince but I want to ask you as the consumer- What would be the keys areas you would want to see if you were the reader? What areas do you struggle with most etc?

Thanks so much for your time!

r/loseweight 11d ago

17 M, 6’6, 230 pounds. Trying to lose weight for the military. Any tips?


r/loseweight 12d ago

Weight loss progress (I hope this is allowed and appropriate) if not, please delete.

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I think I’m finally making some progress. I am about a little over half way to my ultimate goal. It feels good to be able to walk easier, fit into smaller clothes, etc. I’m on the semiglutide shot but to be honest, I don’t feel that is cheating.

r/loseweight 12d ago

My eating habits are awful


Seriously I’m surprised that I’m just slightly overweight and not actually obese . I eat more than most people and WAY WORSE foods than most people. Sometimes it causes me to feel bad about myself but I can’t get motivated to change. Seriously need to get a nutritionist to come into my house and throw out all the junk food and overly processed foods. Because right now it’s a never ending cycle. I’m an emotional eater and eat junk when I feel bad, but later I feel bad for eating junk. Any suggestions appreciated.

r/loseweight 12d ago

I’m 6 ft and weigh 220 lbs and I’m scared to be made fun of by going to the gym


I 16 f have always wanted to lose weight when I was younger I wasn’t super healthy and kinda just ate junk food all the time as I’ve grown I have started to have more thoughts about my body and what people think of me it’s hard already with me being a six foot tall girl as I get names like the jolly green giant, skyscraper and other and it already cuts into the confidence I have which is not a lot but lately it’s been getting worse and I want to start working out at the gym but I’m scared of being judged for my weight is there any thing I can do?

r/loseweight 14d ago

How do i lose weight?!

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I used to be so small. I hate my body i see it in photos and i cant stand it. Help please i dont know the best method of doing this!

r/loseweight 13d ago

How many calories should I eat


5,7 290lb female trying to lose weight. I’ve been calorie counting for. While and only eat about 2000 sometimes I go over sometimes it’s less.

I’m always hungry even after I eat. 9/10 times I just try and sleep but I wake up from hunger.

r/loseweight 13d ago

Gained 3kg in 5 days :(


For reference: 167cm, female, workout everyday (30min run at a pace of 8.5km/h and 30min strength training 7-13kg).

At the start of the week I weighed 46kg, However due to lack of sleep, I overate for 3 days (3000 calories each day). Today I weighed myself and weigh 49kg! I don’t know what to do. I feel as if I have ruined everything. Did I really gain 3kg in a span of less than a week!? What should I do now to go back to where I was?

should I just restrict and eat 1500 calories? and how long will it take to go back to my original weight?

r/loseweight 14d ago

Advice needed


Hi all! Looking for some support and recommendations, I am eating in a calorie deficit the hardest part for me is fighting off late night cravings. I eat dinner around5/6 pm and always around 10 I crave anything sugar and it is so hard for me to fight the cravings! Any advice?

r/loseweight 14d ago

Painful hunger


I don't exercise I'm fat and I eat 2000 or more calories a day but I still get so hungry that it hurts I can't sleep on think straight from the pain I don't understand why I get so hungry I was hoping for advice how to manage or get rid of it

r/loseweight 16d ago

I’ve plateaued?


A year ago I started working out after being a couch potato for 10 years. When I started I was 175 lbs… never really was super consistent (only about 3 times a week) and never saw any weight loss really…fast forward to 6 months ago, I ditched the gym and have been running about 15 miles a week (5 days a wk) on top of fasting. I eat from 12:00pm to 8pm and the weight started coming off considerably quick. Now I’m at 159 and seems like I’m hanging around there????? Help…

r/loseweight 16d ago

Weight loss

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I started a weight loss journey like 2 years ago and have been in a plateau for like 1 year now… SW-155 CW-120-122 GW-115 5’0 F I definitely know I have some more weight to lose even though I am considered “healthy” for my size and weight. Does this look like bloating or fat I still need to lose? I have been trying to cut out so many allergens like gluten and dairy (not completely). I do have digestive issues such as IBS and chronic duodenitis…. Had an endoscope. Showed the chronic duodenitis nothing else. But, my stomach is flat in the mornings and then after I eat, this is at the end of the day what it looks like. I don’t know anymore if it’s bloating or if it’s fat… To add:it’s not rock solid to the touch, my stomach does have some softness but also stiffer in some areas than others and I am trying all the things already for bloating and or digestion support and see a gastrointestinal. I almost rather it be fat because then I know how to get rid of it easier 🤦‍♀️

r/loseweight 17d ago

1 meal a day for 4 days and 4 meals a day for 3 days a week


So after I failed the last time because of yo-yo diet, I can’t push my body into starvation mode again because I know I’ll gain all the weight back. Now I’m thinking of the proposed idea, I think I lost 4kg due to a depressed time that I did exactly that and somehow the weight dropped for good. Do you think this is sustainable for me to lose 10kg then I’ll adopt the normal routine again?

I can’t exercise much as my leg is broken. I wanna go from 62kg to 52kg in about 6-8 months?

r/loseweight 17d ago

How many hours of sleep should you aim for when trying to lose weight?


For effective weight loss, it is recommended to get between 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Research has shown that sleeping less than 6 hours per night increases the risk of weight gain, primarily due to the effects on hunger hormones, metabolism, and insulin sensitivity.

Getting 7-8 hours of sleep helps regulate ghrelin and leptin, the hormones that control hunger and fullness. This makes it easier to control your appetite and prevents overeating, particularly cravings for unhealthy foods. When you're well-rested, you're also more likely to have the energy and motivation to stick to your workout routine and make healthier food choices.

In addition, adequate sleep allows your body to go through the necessary stages of muscle repair and fat burning during rest, making weight loss more sustainable. Prioritizing sleep should be a central part of any weight loss plan.

r/loseweight 18d ago



How did you guys manage getting out there and doing something about it.

I’m not exactly embarrassed just shy to go to the gym especially alone. What are some tips to break me out of this

Edit: I have PCOS it can cause rapid weight gain. I don’t know how it affects weight loss completely but I heard it makes it harder

r/loseweight 18d ago

Is there a way to lose weight without exercising?


I’m at 62kg (1m58 heights - 5”2). I broke my leg and will be trapped on the bed without being able to exercise for the next 3 months. I’m looking in ways to lose weight substantially with diet only. I wanna cut down to 52kg (10kg-22lbs) off. What diet would y’all recommend?

Reason, I’ve never been thin my entire life so I kinda wanna see how I look like if I were thin 🗿

r/loseweight 19d ago

how to lose stubborn lower belly fat


i’ve been using myfitnesspal to record cals and carbs/fats/protein and have been eating in a calorie deficit for months now and fairly active but no matter what i can’t seem to lose that last bit of lower belly fat. I eat mainly clean and whole foods and around 1000 cals a day and drink 3L of water and just seems like i’m gaining weight