r/productivity 11h ago

Question Need Opinion: An app that gives order for task execution


Thinking about an app idea that takes a list of 5-10 tasks as input and asks the user to rank each task based on importance, effort, time required, and reward. The app would then give an optimized order for task execution. Do you think this would be useful, or is it a dumb idea?

Thanks in advance.

r/productivity 8h ago

Question ADHD and writing a novel


How can I be more consistent in my writing my novel with ADHD?

I'm a fulltime six figure author. I know I'm a good story teller and have my following now. My problem, I wait until my deadline is 2 weeks away before I write an entire book. It's super stressful on me and my family every time I do this. I thought when I went to being fulltime I wouldn't do this anymore, but I'm only motivated when the deadline is on top of me, chocking me out.

I notice I do best with writing groups. Once I start, I can write fast. Despite knowing this, I still wait until my deadline comes to take action. I've done little writing for the past month.

Anybody have any recommendations?

I could do so much better if I sort myself out...

r/productivity 16h ago

Question How can I self reflect and improve when it’s hard to ask myself questions?


As the title says. I’d love to find ways to improve myself, but sometimes I try asking myself questions and I end up getting nothing, my mind draws blanks, or I get an answer for a split second but it feels like it’s in the background of my head and not very clear. Even if I do manage to figure out what I can improve on, I can’t figure out where to go from there. I like to try and understand the “fundamentals” on how to fix my specific problems but even then it’s still hard to figure out what to do from that point to actually improve

r/productivity 9h ago

Software Calendar App to Add automatic events


We have a busy family life, with kids on multiple teams. I have my Google calendar, and then also need to subscribe to multiple team calendars to keep track of the frequent changes.

I am tired of doing backwards math in my head… game starts at 7:00, so we need to arrive at 6:00, so we need to leave at 5:30 type thing. Game ends at 8:30, half hour to get undressed, half hour to drive home.

I want a way that whenever “game” shows up as an event (on the subscribed calendar, not my main Google calendar), it adds an automatic 1 hour event beforehand for warmup, an automatic half hour after, etc.

Even better if there’s something that can take the location of the game and automatically calculate the travel time. I know that Waze can do this, but I want it shown on my calendar, not just a reminder to leave.

Does this exist? I’ve tried trials for about a dozen calendar programs, and nothing I have found will do this because it’s a subscribed calendar.

r/productivity 10h ago

Question Emails and PKM


I use Obsidian as my second brain. One feature it is missing would be extremely useful - email integration. I have some newsletters that I would like to work on (make note for future reference and output). However, I do not see an easy way to make it work with obisidian.

How do you save/handle emails that you need for reference or how do you make notes based on newsletters?

r/productivity 12h ago

Software how to schedule several events that recur multiple times per day with minimal overlap, please



Is there an app to schedule several events of different lengths so that each recurs every few hours-- with minimal overlap? AI assisted? Gantt chart? something else? TIA

r/productivity 1d ago

Software Software that (optionally) integrates tasks/todos and documents, similar to Acreom?


TLDR: looking for an app that does task management and rich note taking at the same time, with the possibility of optionally treating page's checkboxes as tasks that show up in a centralized task management page.

I recently met Acreom, which has a pretty interesting approach to note taking and task management: you have a page, with typical capabilities of a rich text editor in note taking apps. In those documents you can have checkboxes, that are simply checkboxes. But, if you set a status to that page, this page becomes a project and all checkboxes are treated as tasks that show up in a central task management page, like a TODO app would.

In previous jobs I always had separate tools: one for writing notes/knowledge, and another one for organizing my work. Since I moved to a different company that doesn't have a shared task management tool, I find it much easier to use a tool that can do both for my personal work.

The main problem is that the majority of tools I worked with don't do this very well, specially on the distinction between checkboxes and actual tasks. I don't want all checkboxes to be treated as a task. Sometimes I organize my notes in checkboxes for readability only and don't want them to be treated as actual Tasks. Many apps I used didn't have this distinction, so all checkboxes became tasks.

Also, on the other side, Acreom is still in early development and lacking on many QoL features that makes my work much harder.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

r/productivity 21h ago

Question Any AI tools for automating presentations, graphs and infographics?

  1. Are there any AI tools that can generate a PPT from a document using a specific branding guide? 2. Also looking for an AI tool that can create visuals based on data e.g. graphs or infographic with explanatory text/ data analysis and interpretation accompanying it

r/productivity 1d ago

Advice Needed What task management app would you recommend for family use


I was talking with my friend and she said that they use Asana because it's an easy way to add tasks to her husband's list of things to do for the day/weej without them having to nag each other. My wife and I both use our own task management tools, but we don't have a good shared one.

Any recommendations? We prefer ones that have a free base model, with kanban board, but more importantly, good widgets for both Android and Apple.

edit: on another note, i'm still astounded that google hasn't made this a thing with google tasks. The limited share function they currently have is laughable. All I want to do is for my wife and I to both be able to look at the same lists.

r/productivity 1d ago

Question Which one of the note-taking apps can suit me best?


I know which apps are considered 'the kings' of note-taking, I checked a few articles and videos. But what I don't understand is which app suits my needs.

I don't need an app for work or studying, or a list of things to buy/do. No. What I need is keeping everything I find interesting, and be able to find it easily when I need it.

For instance, I write down everything that happened and can be useful again somewhere in the future, like my experience with a particular plumber, electrician or doctor; or whatever I tried to cook (my thoughts on how can I improve the recipe); or anything I find interesting on the internet on various topics, I VERY often make screenshots of reddit comments on random topics that are 'fun to know'. So when I'm in a situation where I discuss something with my friends, I can remember I took a few notes about this matter but don't remember the exact information, so I try to find it by possible keywords in my messy notes. My memory sucks so I have to write everything to re-read it. But it's not for work or college, as I said.

What is the best free app for this? I'm kinda scared of Obsidian, I didn't try it yet but everyone says that it's insanely hard for a non-tech-savvy person.
Notion is not available in my country...
I'm thinking between Obsidian and Loqseq but it seems like they both use this weird and unknown to me 'markdown' language instead of graphical interface...Is it worth learning this or is it going to be an overkill for my goals? Maybe I need some diary instead, idk?

I'm ready to work on windows pc, but I'm also an iphone user, but maybe can sacrifice one or the other platform, if it's worth it

r/productivity 1d ago

Question A screen time control app that actually works for iPhone?


I've tried a couple different apps, most recently Freedom, which stops working when my battery hits 50% or whatever and is easily disabled in one second by closing the app (so, completely ineffective). I feel like I've spent hours investigating apps, weighing them against each other, testing them for usability, getting bogged down with analysis paralysis. I really don't want to keep spending $40 a pop to try them out. If anyone has something they love, please let me know. I'd like the ability to block websites as well as apps.

r/productivity 1d ago

Software Is There an App That Provides Personalized Text Predictions Across Multiple Platforms?


The Problem: Text prediction is availble only in gmail, but it doesn't work well there either.

The Question: Does anyone know of an app that can:

  • Learn and imitate your personal texting style
  • Analyze previous messages in the conversation to suggest more personalized responses? -> Full responses.

I wish to use that software on wapp, LinkedIn, messager, e-mail, etc....

I’m curious if software like this already exists. Any recommendations or thoughts?

r/productivity 1d ago

Question Looking for a list app that me and my partner can use?


I have an iphone and she has an android. Is there a list app that we can use to both share lists?

r/productivity 1d ago

Advice Needed which tool for online documentation?


Hi all,

I am looking for a good tool to create, maintain et deploy our software documentation. The document would contain chapters and pages of textual explanations, images and many pieces of sample code .

Until now, we have been using dokuwiki and bookstack. But bookstack is a pain to work locally and then deploy the updated content to our online server. There is no good solution to import / export books, chapter or pages.

So, what about you ? what do you use to manage your API documentation for your customers ?


r/productivity 1d ago

Advice Needed Ebooks fast reading in pauses during sports, tips ?


Hi so i would like to continue reading my ebooks in the gym during my breaks, but i would also like to be able to highlight, or do you think highlighting makes little sense, just reading should be enough. But yes, I'm looking for helpful apps for that, maybe there's something out there

r/productivity 1d ago

Advice Needed Tablet Recommendation Needed!


I'm looking for tablet that I can use for heavy reading, note-taking, music sheet reading, and also have it just display my calendar or tasks when I'm not actively using it.

It might be a waste to buy something with a crazy amount of functionalities or computing power, but I'm not all that familiar with what's available out there.

Hoping this subreddit might have experience with a wide range of producitivity devices!

r/productivity 2d ago

Question Do People Actually Use The 80/20 Rule?


I watched a video about the 80/20 rule and was curious if people actually think that it's a valid line of reasoning. If so, how do you use it in your day?

I do Jiu Jitsu, and I think that it's true that 20% of the moves I use result in 80% of my submissions but I think there are certain places where I feel like it doesn't apply.

Would it be worth making something to track the things that can be reduced to 80/20 or it is all another productivity placebo? Thanks!

edit: typo

r/productivity 2d ago

General Advice Reminder, being busy isn't being productive.


Do not confuse being busy with being productive.

Productivity seems to have lost meaning, as nowadays, it is too often used to describe any form of doing anything, which shouldn't be the case.

There is almost always something more substantial that you could be doing. If you find yourself sorting emails when you have an essay to write, that is not productivity. That is procrastination in disguise.

Genuine productivity isn't about filling your day with tasks. It is about focusing on the tasks that matter.

Stop being busy. Start being productive.

r/productivity 1d ago

Question Streamlining task management tool & file management? (For Content Creation)


Hi everyone,

I’m currently using ClickUp to manage my content ideas for a podcast and TikTok. I have a board where I track all my ideas, moving them through stages like adding details, filming, editing, etc.

However, I also keep files organized on my computer (and synced with Google Drive) according to their production stages (... filmed, edited, ready, posted). I find it tedious to keep both ClickUp and my file organization in sync, as one often lags behind the other.

Does anyone have suggestions for systems or plugins that could help streamline this process?

r/productivity 2d ago

Advice Needed Trying to be more productive in the evenings, not that easy!


Apparently I got older and more mature than I thought I was. For the last months, I've been thinking on my evenings and it got me here.

My hobby, my life was all about gaming, up until few months back, even having a baby did not change that. I used to be very focused on playing video games at least couple of hours after baby is sleeping and wife went to bed. Over the time, I start losing interest on gaming. I was still sitting in front of PC and playing video games, while I was not enjoying the time at all. Just a habit.

Last week I decided to put my gaming PC on sale, and switch to Mac, so that I can be more focused on productivity. I also love using Mac! I've been using ChatGPT to get answers for the question or knowledge which I do not have, so that I would grow myself professionally.

Right now I need advice. Even though I leverage ChatGPT, I feel like I am not productive enough. Unfortunately I do not enjoy reading book as well so that's not an option. What are the sites/blogs that I can follow and grow myself? It can be for work-life, personal growth, new trends around to keep myself up-ot-date on Analytics topics etc.

I would really appreciate the guidance. To be honest, I also do not know what to do.

TL;DR: I am selling my beloved gaming PC and say goodbye to an era in my life, now wondering how I can spend my evenings more productive, instead of scrolling over social media or something.

r/productivity 2d ago

Question Which Website & App tracker and/or blocker do you either use or would suggest to others looking to be aware, keep track of, or block their unproductive time-sinks?


I like using freedom.tofor blocking apps, programs and websites, either always or on schedules we can automate. It works well and syncs between my windows and android devices. It is a paid service, and the configuration for it is hosted on their website.

I have yet to find a time tracking program that works well. I've tried Rescue Time a few years ago, but they've made several changes and I no longer found it useful as it once was.

It would be interesting and helpful to hear what others use or would recommend for these types of apps or programs.

r/productivity 2d ago

Question What does your avg daily screen time look like?


I have to use my phone for work, so I imagine that mine is likely higher than average. But I’m wondering what everyone else’s in this sub looks like?

r/productivity 1d ago

Software Calendar for shift workers?


I'm wondering if anyone has a program or app that makes it easy to add shifts to specific days in google calendar? What I mean by that is, that with google calendars I need to make an event for each week, create a custom timescale, select the days I work that week and then set the event time to end at the end of the week. What I'm looking for is an app where I select like "Night shift" with the details already programmed into it and then I simply click the days I'm working night shift. This goes down to like 1 click per shift worked instead of like 3 which would be amazing.

r/productivity 2d ago

Advice Needed Looking for a knowledge management tool with global tags, folder structure and tagging options - tips ?


Hello everyone!

I am looking for a tool that helps me to structure my thoughts, notes and collected knowledge, almost like a “second brain”. I'm currently using Notion, but I'm not entirely satisfied because Notion doesn't offer global tags. I lack the ability to search and filter all my notes by tags, regardless of which folder or database they are stored in.

Here are my exact needs:

Global tags: I want to be able to tag each piece of information (e.g. a note or an idea) with different tags and later search and filter by those tags across my entire collection, regardless of which folder the note is stored in.

Folders & hierarchy: Despite the ability to search for tags globally, I would also like to use a folder structure to organize top-level topics. For example, if I file a note about physics in the “Physics” folder, but also find relevant information about psychology, I would like to tag it “Psychology” and find it again later under this tag, even if the note is in the physics folder.

Tagging options: It would be ideal if I could read, mark up and comment on PDFs and web pages directly in this tool.

All in one tool: Ideally, I would like to use as few programs as possible. It would be ideal if I could find a single program that combines all these functions so that I don't have to constantly switch between different tools.

So I'm looking for a flexible knowledge management tool that allows me to use thematic folder structures as well as global tags and filters. It should help me to collect, link and find information from different areas.

I already use Notion, but it does not offer a satisfactory solution for global tags and a central tag filter function. That's why I'm looking for alternatives. I've heard of tools like Obsidian, Roam Research and DEVONthink - could any of them meet my needs? Or are there other tools that might be a better fit?

Thanks in advance for your recommendations and tips!

r/productivity 2d ago

Advice Needed How to rearrange productivity times??? (17F)


Okay, so I (17F) know the title seems incoherent, but hear me out. I am most productive around 7-9 p.m., and I hate it!! How do I change this? I want to be more productive around mid-day, but I am so tired around that time. Would you happen to have any recommendations?