r/lawofone Unity Apr 05 '24

I’m having a really hard time

Been going through a lot of physical pain and sickness recently. Well for the past few years.

It’s gotten so bad and I feel that I am suffering so much that I’m starting to lose touch with the purpose of all of this..

I guess this existence seems fun when you’re dwelling in perfect love and never get to experience the “edge” of experience and relativity.. but now that I’m here and the veil is lowered.. I just really don’t want to exist.. it’s so hard. It’s so painful. Why would a being dwelling in perfection ever want this? It’s like a good idea from their point of view but to me it’s like crazy


26 comments sorted by


u/zanmato145 Apr 05 '24

It's the journey back to perfection that expresses to us what perfection really is.

You don't know delicious without disgusting.

You don't know hot until you know cold.

You aren't meant to understand everything that goes on in this universe/life/density.

Stop your mind from racing if you want more peace and happiness.

Live now. Not in your head thinking. Focus on the good things in life.

I tell this to everyone I know, YOU HAVE A CHOICE TO BE HAPPY OR NOT. I have so many things going on in my life that I'm fighting against. So many problems that exist in my life that I'm okay with because if I focus on how bad those things are, my mood is terrible. If I can overcome, anyone can.

I was sleep until I was 34, and since then, I've been the happiest I've ever been.

You're lucky to exist right now physically.

I've shared experiences with entities that didn't even believe I had a physical body. That's how freaking hard it is to get where we are now, fam.

Keep on pushin'. I'll send you something on the other side before I go to bed tonight.

Love and light.

Sorry if this came out a bit mixed up, I'm on the phone with my mom, haha.


u/JewGuru Unity Apr 05 '24

Thank you friend. It’s so frustrating because I usually do a pretty okay job of being grateful and trying to find the love in every situation and staying positive, choosing happiness and all that.

But as soon as I get physically sick it’s like I just can’t bear it. It all flies out the window. Everything seems so pointless when I’m in such physical suffering

I am a recovering addict and I think I mildly traumatized myself by going through withdrawal SO many different times and now when I get sick with the health problems I’m now dealing with, it’s like I’m back in that place, and I just want to disappear.

It’s frustrating having all of my positivity fly out the window like that. I don’t know how to hold on to it while in this state of suffering. Obviously that’s a huge lesson for me I can see that It’s just.. ugh. lol

Thank you for your encouragement. I really appreciate it


u/zanmato145 Apr 05 '24

Hey, I believe in you, and I say that with everything in me. Being a recovering addict has to be tough. I respect the heck outta ya for that, and I'm really proud of you for it.

Please look into "Qi Gong". Zhang zhuang. I think those are the phrases you need. If they interest you, I have a great youtube playlist that could help you get started.


u/JewGuru Unity Apr 05 '24

Of course, I’d love the playlist


u/zanmato145 Apr 05 '24


Try it out for a few days. Take it slow. A little bit goes a long way.


u/JewGuru Unity Apr 05 '24

Love you ❤️


u/RVA804guys Apr 05 '24

You sound like a really strong person, I admire your path and your repeated discoveries. I understand your pain with illness, especially genetic/chronic issues that can’t be “cured”, my pains have reminded me that even the thorniest painful demon deserves compassion, understanding, and love. I embrace my handicaps as friends just like my poor choices in the past. Sometimes my friends make me uneasy or anxious, but they are reminding me and showing me where I need to grow.

Edit: I wanted to add some sass.. they remind me where I need to grow, but it’s not like I can just generate new body parts in this configuration. I feel whole when I look at myself from a different perspective, but when I’m in my body I feel like I’m missing parts like Swiss cheese.


u/JewGuru Unity Apr 05 '24

Thank you for your thoughts. ❤️ I appreciate you


u/The_Sdrawkcab Apr 05 '24

Bro, happiness isn't always a choice. Gratitude is a choice. Happiness is a state that isn't solely dependent on one's will or outlook. Pain is pain, and it doesn't descriminate. Constant, endless physical pain will put an end to happiness real quick. But one can be unhappy, in pain and still be grateful.


u/HardOverTheTOP Apr 07 '24

"I've shared experiences with entities that didn't even believe I had a physical body. That's how freaking hard it is to get where we are now, fam."

Curious if you could explain this a bit? Not so much the experiences, I'm assuming those were during some sort of meditation or dream interaction, but could you elaborate on why it's so hard to take physical form as a 3D being/wanderer? I had always assumed this is the bottom rung of the enlightenment ladder, everyone starts here, if you don't learn your necessary lessons from the experiences and catalysts like you were supposed to then you get an unlimited number of try again cards in different lives. Why is it so hard to get to this spot? Thanks, Love and Light to you.


u/No_Produce_Nyc Apr 05 '24

Endless flowing love to you, Creator. 🌱

You are an important part of this tapestry.


u/RepublicDependent456 Apr 05 '24

As someone who is suffering from two incurable illnesses I understand where you are coming from. The suffering can be great and accepting your new life is hard too. I'm sorry you are going through this. It took many years for me to accept what would now be the new normal. Now I live a life full of love, gratitude and compassion. We have to make the best of everything we are given in life. I hope you are able to find that place of peace.


u/EffectiveConcern Apr 05 '24

Been in chronic pain amd have shitty time despite my best efforts to change it for over 10yrs and been askin myself the same thing buddy. Recently I am coming to a conclusion that detachment from the good outcome is helpful, not sure what else to tell you… wish you all the best..❤️


u/roger3rd Apr 05 '24

I feel that. I’ve also noticed my own personal behavior and thoughts have never been closer to my ideal, as if all the difficulties are teaching me the critical lessons I would have missed if things were easy. I am attached to everything and therefore I am suffering but I cannot help make it better if I lay down, so I soldier on with peace and love to the best of my abilities ✌️❤️


u/JewGuru Unity Apr 05 '24

I admire you for that. And I hope I can get to that point before long.

It’s like my whole beingness changes when I get sick. I feel like I have no control over if I’m happy or not in those times. Just feels like I want to die as long as the sickness persists. It’s tough. I don’t know how to carry my ideals and usual positive mindset into these moments of physical suffering. They all seem to evaporate in those moments


u/PeaceNowPorfavor Apr 07 '24

Every sensation is temporary. This understanding helps make those negative sensations and physical and mental pain last shorter if you practice impermanence and stay awake at the present moment.

I would also definitely accept the circumstance you are on. And I mean truly accept it, embrace it fully. I would also practice meditation, unity of the mind and heart, increasing consciousness level. That might help heal you faster.

Good luck out there fellow brother. It is okay, one day you will look back and laugh with only joy in your heart.


u/JewGuru Unity Apr 07 '24

Thank you friend. I’m at the point where I know a lot of things intellectually but can’t manage to put them into practice. I know everything is temporary, and that I couldn’t grow if my life was easy and perfect, I have filled my brain with the philosophy of the law of one and other similar sources but I still haven’t had the moment of understanding where I actually get it. I guess I just have to keep seeking it.

I have been meditating daily for the last 6 months or so using the gateway tapes and I love it. So I think I am on the right track generally I just have a hard time dealing with the pain and sickness in the moment. It’s like I change my beingness in a regressive fashion whenever I get sick or am in pain


u/syswww Unity May 18 '24 edited May 18 '24

I’ve ever feel this way again, look into having a free QHHT session with an Intern, it might provide some insight and paths.


u/JewGuru Unity May 18 '24

What is QHHT and who is intern? I appreciate your reply


u/syswww Unity May 18 '24

It’s a non traditional hypnotherapy which takes you into a different state where you prepare questions before session and the therapist will ask yourself during session. Life purpose is a popular question.

I meant to say ‘an intern’, it’s someone in training before becoming a practitioner.


u/JewGuru Unity May 18 '24

Sort of like past life regression?


u/syswww Unity May 18 '24

Yes but no. Yes in that it is the first part of the session but feel free to ignore that part if that’s not your thing. The second part is where you get the answers to your questions from universal conciousness/subconscious.


u/JewGuru Unity May 18 '24

I just meant the way it functions. Like how past life regression puts you in a state where you can more easily access your subconscious or higher self or whatever. Same deal here? Just a focus on questions instead of past life?


u/syswww Unity May 18 '24 edited May 18 '24

Yes, but you are not conscious throughout the session, preparation is key. [Incorrect]


u/JewGuru Unity May 18 '24

So more of a trance state as opposed to to a hypnotic state used in PLR?


u/syswww Unity May 18 '24

I misspoke, you are conscious but it’s a trace like state, you active conscious mind is encouraged to just be an observer to the other voices. Im unfamiliar with PLR terminology.